Sony’s potential acquisition of Kadokawa hath stirred much discourse in the realms of the digital tavern, particularly among aficionados of the fabled Elden Ring. Though the prevailing sentiment ’bout this news leaneth towards trepidation, whispers now abound of a different tune emanating from within the halls of Kadokawa.
As chronicled by the scribes of Bunshun, the denizens of Kadokawa hath greeted this prospect with a countenance tinged with optimism upon learning of Sony’s potential sovereignty. “Methinks Sony would make a most fitting sovereign,” quoth a nameless soul from amidst Kadokawa’s ranks.
A seasoned inhabitant of Kadokawa voiced that this cheer-filled demeanor springeth from a seed of discontent amongst the staff towards the rule of Natsuno. ‘Tis said that some amongst them hath voiced disquiet towards President Takeshi Natsuno following the untimely release of personnel’s private tidings due to a cyberassault in the bygone month of June, and his subsequent lack of redress or accountability in the aftermath.
This lamentable incident, wrought by the Blacksuit ransomware, hath absconded with a cache of 1.5 terabytes of data, encompassing the personal dossiers of both patrons and retainers. The limp retort and the dearth of a formal assembly seemed to have sown seeds of doubt and mistrust within the realm towards the Natsuno regime.
Although the hearts of many within Kadokawa’s keep art gladdened, the lords and ladies who rule over the kingdom dost harbor a more nuanced air towards this impending change in sovereignty. When queried as to his stance on this matter, Director Kawakami Kazuo opted to withhold a definitive response, stating, “Methinks I shall have words of mine own upon a proper proclamation.”
Contrarily, the Former Chairman Kadokawa Tsunehiko findeth himself aghast upon learning such tidings. Much akin to Director Kawakami, he likewise seemeth inclined to bide his time ere casting his reflection upon this event.
Many a seer of the economic realm hath foresworn that should Sony annex the parent company, Kadokawa and FromSoftware may perchance lose their sovereignty – a dire omen indeed. Yet, the acquisition may bestow blessings upon Kadokawa, hoisting the company into the pantheon of media giants and uplifting its stock amidst the tumult of the markets.
Tarry not in thy distress, for the acquisition doth linger in the throes of negotiation and may take nigh upon an eternity to come to fruition. Toyo Keizai, another recorder of Japanese tidings, doth intimate that Sony may well defer the act of acquisition, pondering upon the sheer weight of cost in purchasing the entire company. Verily, the requisition of all Kadokawa doth demand a sum of 640 billion yen or some $4.3 billion, a treasure trove of incalculable worth even for a realm as affluent as Sony.