Epic Games Announces Changes to Fortnite Crew and Battle Passes

Epic Games Announces Changes to Fortnite Crew and Battle Passes

In ye olde realm of Fortnite, grand changes are afoot! Verily, Epic Games hath decreed that the battle passes shall undergo a transformation in but a fortnight. ‘Tis true, they shall be streamlining the progression of battle passes, matching the changes set forth for their subscription service, Fortnite Crew.

In a missive penned on a Wednesday, the scribes at Epic Games did reveal a wondrous tidings – all battle passes shall henceforth be included in the Fortnite Crew subscription. Hark! Not only shall thy progression extend to the Battle Royale Pass, but also unto the Music Pass and Lego Pass, all encapsulated within the humble sum of $12 per month, as of the first day of December.

‘Tis also proclaimed that as new battle passes doth emerge in the future, such as the Fortnite OG pass for the bold new Fortnite OG mode launching on December 6, they too shall be encompassed within this noble arrangement.

Fortnite Crew, a venture embarked upon in the year of our Lord 2020, hath heretofore bestowed upon its loyal subscribers the gifts of the season’s Battle Royale pass, along with 1,000 V-Bucks and Rocket Pass Premium for Rocket League. Yet, a decree hath been issued – henceforth, one may only partake in the rewards if their subscription doth remain active. ‘Tis a new dawn, a new day, where honesty and fealty shalt be the cornerstone of rewards claimed.

Furthermore, a subtle but notable change hath been brought forth – the price of the Battle Royale Battle Pass hath been raised from 950 to 1,000 V-Bucks per season. Though a mere difference of 50 V-Bucks, the sanctity of the pass remains untarnished. Fear not, for certain bundles shalt offer more value, such as the 25-level battle pass reward bundle now priced at 1,800 V-Bucks, down from 1,850. The Lego and Music passes, too, shall remain at the same cost, continuing forth in harmony.

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