Mega Swampert Raid Guide: How to Raid Mega Swampert in Pokemon GO

Mega Swampert Raid Guide: How to Raid Mega Swampert in Pokemon GO

Hark! As July’s fair visage doth grace the land, behold the advent of Pokemon GO events that doth accompany it with merry cheer. Amidst the myriad encounters that dost unfold, lo and behold, a Pokemon GO Mega Swampert raid! From the eighth day of July until the twenty-third, Mega Swampert, a fierce creature of might, doth make its presence known. If thou art preparing to vanquish this formidable foe, peruse our Pokémon GO Mega Swampert Mega Raid guide to be fully equipped for the task at hand!

Pokemon GO Mega Swampert Weaknesses

An insight into the realm of battle doth reveal that Mega Swampert shares kinship with the strengths and frailties of its kindred, such as Mega Tyranitar in the annals of Pokemon lore. Mega Swampert, a creature of Water and Ground, doth unveil its vulnerabilities to Grass-type adversaries. Furthermore, it doth exhibit resistance against assaults of the electric, fire, poison, rock, and steel variety. Let these truths guide thee as thou dost select the Pokemon that shalt confront the daunting Mega Swampert in battle.

Best Mega Swampert Counters

With knowledge of Mega Swampert’s weaknesses firmly in thy grasp, ’tis time to delve deeper into the specifics of conflict. Behold, the finest Pokemon GO Mega Swampert counters that shalt aid thee in the impending struggle:

  • Venasaur or Mega Venasaur: Possessing the prowess of Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant
  • Sceptile or Mega Sceptile: Wielding the might of Bullet Seed and Frenzy Plant
  • Zarude: Master of Vine Whip and Power Whip
  • Latios or Mega Latios: Harnessing the power of Dragon Breath and Solar Beam
  • Sceptile: Adept with Bullet Seed and Frenzy Plant
  • Chesnaught: Skillful with Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant

The most efficacious manner to engage in this day’s mega raid is to enlist the aid of robust grass-type Pokemon. Thus, my choice is Venasaur, Sceptile, and Zarude, noble warriors of the leafy domain. Should these champions not be at thy disposal, any valiant grass-type companion shalt serve thee well in battle.

How to Add Mega Swampert to Your Team

Much akin to the customs of yore in previous Pokemon GO Mega raids, twill prove fruitless to attempt to capture Mega Swampert directly. Nay, thou must needs employ a raid pass to join the ranks of the Mega Swampert Mega Raid. Take heed, for this quest is not one to be undertaken alone—gather thy comrades to stand united in battle, for a united effort shall increase thy chances of glorious triumph.

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Upon prevailing against the daunting Mega Swampert, a Swampert bonus encounter shall be granted unto thee. Should thy collection already house a Swampert, this reward shall not be thine. Moreover, thou shalt receive Mega Energy, and when thou hast amassed a sum of 200 Mega Energy, lo and behold, thou shalt have the power to evolve thy Swampert into the formidable Mega Swampert.

And thus doth our tale of the Pokemon GO Mega Swampert Mega Raid draw to a close. Dost thou still find thyself in the throes of struggle in capturing this potent creature? Share thy woes and victories in the comments below!