Mass Effect 3 endings and how to get the best ending in Mass Effect 3 1

Mass Effect 3 endings and how to get the best ending in Mass Effect 3

The Mass Effect 3 endings are still a touchy spot for some players who feel that the decisions made during the trilogy don’t exactly represent the years or don’t really adequately recap their time adventuring with Commander Shepard. BioWare tried to fix this issue by releasing The Extended Cut update, which is the included version of Mass Effect Legendary Edition and provides an additional result, but this still didn’t fix the problem that everything you did before was beautiful. So much is left with only one option to end this story. As for the topic, determining the best ending for Mass Effect 3 is a matter of personal opinion, but we’ve outlined all the possibilities so you can make an informed decision.

ME3 Weapons and Armor

Make sure you are well equipped with the best Mass Effect 3 weapons and Mass Effect 3 armor to secure this EMS.

The Total Military Power you manage to collect throughout the campaign will directly affect the Mass Effect 3 endings you have, as with a TMS below 1750 you will only have one possible outcome – either Shepard, the Reaper Base or Shepard at the end of Destruction Mass Effect 2. Destroyed Control, ending with the Reaper’s rescue of the Reaper Base. You can choose between these two options on a TMS of 1750 or higher, and a third Synthesis finish of 2800 or higher is also available. You can check what your current TMS is by accessing the War Terminal in the War Room in Normandy, so before you start Act 3 and pass the point of no return, you should make sure you’ve reached the required level for your preferred tier. A selection of Mass Effect 3 endings.

How to increase Mass Effect 3 Total Military Strength and change ending options?

Your Mass Effect 3 Total Military Power is calculated through a combination of crew, weapons, ships, armies, items and technology you collect throughout the campaign, collectively known as War Assets. Some of your TMS comes from previous missions you’ve completed and team members who survived the events of Mass Effect 1 and 2, so keep your savings by playing these two games first; if you jump straight into Mass Effect 3, you’ll be at a Disadvantage and have to work harder to build the necessary TMS for your preferred Mass Effect 3 ending.

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In the original Mass Effect 3, your Total Military Power was determined by your Effective Military Power (total of your War Assets) multiplied by your Galactic Preparedness; this is a 50-100% scale that you can increase by playing multiplayer matches and using companions. apps. As there is no longer a multiplayer mode or any app associated with the Legendary Edition, the Galactic Preparedness element has been completely removed from the equation and your Total Military Power is now just your Effective Military Power. To maximize your Total Military Power and unlock the best endings of Mass Effect 3, you must continue a save from previous games, complete as many side missions as possible, and use Mass Effect 3 planet scanning through the Galaxy Map to collect additional War Assets. to strengthen their power.

Mass Effect 3 ending – Destruction (Red)

For this first ending of Mass Effect 3, head towards the red light along the right-hand path in the Crucible, then repeatedly slam the panel on the machine to send a devastating blast across the galaxy destroying all synthetic life, including Reapers. At a lower Total Military Power level this will destroy everything else as well, but it’s possible to save Earth, the Normandy crew and Shepard if you’re prepared enough. This is Shepard’s only final choice to survive.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Mass Effect 3 ending – Destruction (Red)
TMS Soil Normandy Shepherd
<1750* evaporated everybody dies It is possible
1750-2049 evaporated everybody dies It is possible
2050-2649 miserable Squad survive It is possible
2650-3099 was recorded Squad survive It is possible
≥3100 was recorded Squad survive survives

* In <1750 TMS, this selection is only available if Shepard destroyed the Reaper Base at the end of Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 3 ending – Control (Blue)

This second Mass Effect 3 finish can be achieved in Crucible by following the left side path towards the blue light and then catching the two beams. This will cause Shepard to sacrifice themselves to unite with the Reapers, take command of his forces and drive them away. It is not possible to save Shepard in this scenario, and with increased TMS the only difference is that Earth was spared from taking any significant damage.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Mass Effect 3 ending – Control (Blue)
TMS Soil Normandy Shepherd
<1750* miserable Squad survive It is possible
1750-2349 miserable Squad survive It is possible
≥2350 was recorded Squad survive It is possible
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* In <1750 TMS, this option is only available when Shepard recovers Reaper Base at the end of Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 3 ending – Synthesis (Green)

If your Total Military Strength is 2800 or higher, this third Mass Effect 3 ending is also possible by moving towards the main energy beam along the central path in the Crucible. Shepard will run and dive into the beam, sacrificing himself to unite all organic and synthetic life in the galaxy. This makes the Reapers obsolete and prevents further attacks, but there is still no way to keep Shepard alive and only one result is that everyone else is saved by synthesizing.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Mass Effect 3 ending – Synthesis (Green)
TMS Soil Normandy Shepherd
<2800 none none none
≥2800 was recorded Squad survive and synthesize It is possible

Mass Effect 3 ending – Denial

This fourth Mass Effect 3 ending is an add-on to the game and tells the Kid, “I refuse these options!” , allowing you to reject all three previous results. A short time later, the Child says, “The Cycle continues,” and the Reapers can be seen wreaking havoc outside the Crucible before the main beam is extinguished. A message of hope from Liara is then shown broadcasting to an underground bunker, describing the war with the Reapers, and Stargazer stating that this information was used to protect future civilizations.

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