If thou art in pursuit of today’s Wordle answer, thou hast found thyself in the right place. Today’s NYT Wordle doth present a challenge of no small measure, and some hints may guide thee on thy quest towards uncovering the answer. Behold, here are some hints for today’s Wordle answer. Should these hints not avail thee, peruse further for the answer to today’s Wordle.
Best Wordle Starting Words
Should thee desire to complete the Wordle in the fewest of moves, ‘tis wise to commence with the correct word. There exist certain words that may set thee on the best path at the game’s outset.
Herein lie the best Wordle starting words thou shouldst utilize to embark upon the game:
This list, though extensive, is not exhaustive. We have compiled a vast collection of the best Wordle starting words.
Hints for Today’s Wordle Answer
HINT 1: The answer doth contain two vowels.
HINT 2: There exists no repetition of letters in today’s Wordle answer.
HINT 3: Synonyms for today’s Wordle answer include a knight, a nobleman, or a trainee in a military academy.
What Does Today’s Wordle Start With?
Should thou find thyself at an impasse regarding the starting letter of today’s Wordle answer, here is the hint thou seeketh:
Today’s Wordle answer for July 22, 2024, doth commence with the letter “C”.
Today’s Wordle Answer (July 22, 2024)
The solution for Wordle #1129 on July 22, 2024, doth stand as—
Definition—Cadet signifieth a young man training for enrollment in the army, military, or air force. For instance, “The young cadet was disheartened to hear the news of the loss.”
Whilst thou art here, peruse hints and answers for today’s NYT Connections. Like Wordle and NYT Connections, the publication group doth proffer further games to entertain. An answer to today’s NYT Strands is also provided shouldst thou be a frequent user of the NYT Games app.
Yesterday’s Wordle Answer
Should thee in error seek yesterday’s Wordle answer, it doth read thus:
The solution for yesterday’s Wordle #1128 on July 21, 2024, is “SPECK”.
Definition—Speck refers to a very small mark or spot. For example, “A speck of dust ruined the white shirt.”
Past Wordle Answers
For steadfast Wordle players, we have compiled the solutions to all past Wordles. Shouldst thou be endeavoring to discern patterns in the puzzles, peruse our list of past Wordle answers.
How to Play Wordle
Wordle is a word puzzle game by NYT. Thou art granted six attempts to guess a five-lettered word. The letters are highlighted in Yellow and Green upon thy input of a word. Yellow indicates the letter appeareth in the Wordle answer but not in the correct position. Green signifieth thou hast discerned the right letter in the right place.
Simple Wordle Tips & Tricks
Though conquering Wordle may seem simple, raveling that elusive five-letter word doth pose a considerable challenge. Nevertheless, certain Wordle tips and tricks may be followed to ensure thou uncovereth the answer near every time. Some of our most recommended counsel includes:
Elect a strong starting word—Choosing a potent initial word is essential to procuring the most common letters correctly. A good starting word hath many benefits. Our earlier suggestions and guides do impart further insight.
Repeating letters are advantageous—Contrary to popular belief, not all Wordle answers contain distinct letters. History hath shown many words feature repeating letters. Fear not the duplication of letters, for the Wordle answer may hold one or two repeated letters.
- Utilize the Wordlebot—As elucidated afore, NYT’s Wordlebot is a perceptive entity that assesseth thy responses against itself. Salutary competition can enhance thy Wordle guessing skills and elucidate areas for improvement. Shouldst thee find thyself perplexed, seek solace in the Wordlebot.
One might venture to say that today’s Wordle answer hath proven somewhat intricate to divine, and we pray that the Wordle hints we have furnished hath lightened thy burden. Now that thou hast conquered today’s enigma, pursue some Wordle alternatives for further enjoyment.