The fugitive vault code presents one of the first real puzzles you’ll encounter in the game, which you can find when you arrive in the Slum area. While exploring, you’ll discover a safe with the Mystery Password attached, and you’ll need to find someone who can decipher it to help you find all the important figures so you can access the prize locked inside. The method of doing this is not clear, so we are here to show you how to read the Vault’s Mysterious Password and get the Fugitive vault code.
Note that each step of this process is independent, so if you choose to move forward, you can immediately enter the Stray safe code to open it and the Mysterious Password item will disappear from your inventory.
Where can I find the Stray vault in The Slums?
Once you arrive at The Slums and talk to the Guardian, return to the garage full of meditating robots and then go left up the stairs. Pass the musician Morusque, then look into the alley to the left of the shutter blocking the sewer entrance. Here you’ll find the Stray safe code attached to the unit, but when you examine the Safe’s Mystery Password item, you’ll see it says “following numbers” and then a binary code that you can’t decipher. Show this item to any robot in town and they’ll tell you it’s a very old binary code and only a real cow can read it, so just like with Stray Notebooks, you’ll have to find a specific person that fits you. invoice to process.
How to Read the Mysterious Password of the Safe on Stray?
The cow that can read the Vault’s Mysterious Password is inside Elliot Programming, and you can find this building by flipping the signs around The Slums or by following someone with the binary code strings on it. Once you reach the Elliot Programming entrance marked with more binary code, use the interaction prompt to draw the door and after a short ‘click’ you will be allowed inside. Go upstairs and meet Elliot, then show him the Mystery of the Vault. The cipher item that it will quickly decipher as “DUFER BAR”. Make sure to collect one of the Stray Memories while in this building by scanning the plants at the top of the stairs.
How to get Stray secure code
Armed with the decrypted password, head to the nearby bar with the bright red signs – when you exit Elliot Programming through the window you will see it right in front of you. Inside, you’ll find a DUFER BAR neon sign at the end of the bar, so jump next to it and interact with the picture hanging above. This will soon fall off the wall and reveal the Stray secure code written on the back: 1283.
Now all you have to do is go back to the device in the alley and enter the Stray vault code. 1283 on digipad to open it. Your prize inside is one of the eight Stray Note Collections, so hand it over to Morusque and you’ll hear him perform another of his tunes.