How to get a Monster Hunter Rise well-done steak and cook the meat perfectly 1

How to get a Monster Hunter Rise well-done steak and cook the meat perfectly

How to cook a well-done steak in Monster Hunter Rise? It’s like meat if you get it wrong. It takes precise timing and is worth perfecting because do it right and the food you make can completely restore your stamina. Fugen the Elder also wants one for the early delivery quest, so you’ll have to do it at least once.

That’s why getting a well-done steak in Monster Hunter Rise takes some precision, but when you know what to look for and, more importantly, how to time it right, you can perfect your meals and have one at a time. Here’s everything you need to know about how to cook a well-done Monster Hunter Rise steak.

How to cook a well-done steak in Monster Hunter Rise

To cook a well-done steak in Monster Hunter Rise, you must first know how to cook a steak. Once you kill a few small monsters and dismember their corpses, you will get some raw meat. Hold L to cook, then press Y until you go to Barbecue Spit. Use it by releasing the L and pressing the Y again, and your hunter will support a folding chair with a skewer over the open fire and start cooking.

Pay attention to the texture of the meat you cook. The switch from raw to undercooked is obvious and pressing A here will give you a rare steak. Not bad, but only restores a moderate level of stamina. When it burns, you will realize; it will turn black and have a chance to reduce your stamina instead of filling you up.

What you’re looking for is a fleeting moment between rare and burnt. If you pay close attention to the steak, you will notice that its texture changes slightly as it goes from rare to well done. Press A as soon as you see this change – you have less than a second before it lights up, so you have to be quick. It’s about eight seconds from the moment you put the raw meat down, or 11.5 seconds after you press the Y button to eject the BBQ Spit.

Once you do, you’ll know what you’re looking for and you should be able to consistently get well-done steak. To complete Old Fugen’s delivery, return to the village with at least one well-done steak and talk to him.

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