The Elden Ring Ranni quest leads to the end of the game’s Age of Stars secret, but as the ‘secret’ suggests, it’s really not easy to trigger if you don’t know what to do. This is not surprising considering Ranni the Witch is one of the most mysterious characters in Elden Ring. The secret Elden Ring ending it unlocks is worth it. As long as you don’t mind following him to strange places all over the map to reach a final solution in the final moments of the game. The process of chasing him and triggering the finish is unclear at best, so you’ll need our comprehensive guide below to guide you in your quest for Elden Ring Ranni.
Walkthrough for Ranni the Witch Elden Ring
Ranni the Witch is a potentially important character in the Elden Ring, especially in Limgrave, that you’ll probably meet early on if you go to Elleh Church after taking Torrent, an enigmatic four-armed figure dressed in white and a wide witch hat. He uses the not-so-creative nickname of Renna at first, but it doesn’t take long for him to drop that name and return to Ranni. However, you don’t have to worry about meeting him in Limgrave – it’s an optional encounter and if you miss the chance, you can meet him later and start the quest properly.
Ranni key locations and mission objectives
Below, we’ve listed the full sequence of events in Ranni’s quest, where you should go, and what to do while you’re there. Check the maps for specific locations and remember that you can’t do this early in the game – you’ll have to unlock many maps and defeat many bosses before helping Ranni. reach their goals. We’ve also divided the maps into two corresponding halves – aboveground and underground (mainly the Nokstella and Rot Lake area) – so make sure you check the correct ones every time. Just below the map below, you’ll find the full list of objectives – go get them, champ!
- The first thing you should do is go to the Three Sisters towers west of Caria Manor. To get there first, you’ll need to cross Caria and defeat the boss-fighting Royal Knight Loretta. While there, head to Ranni’s Rise, the middle tower of the three, and take the elevator to meet him in person at the very top. Consume his dialogue until he disappears, introducing you to his generals along the way.
- Find Blaidd at the Siofra River, where he will be waiting to talk to you. This quest is actually intertwined with Elden Ring Blaidd the Half-Wolf locations and questline, and we have his special position on Siofra. Then you must follow Blaidd’s quest to the point where the star falls – after that, things change direction again.
- Head from the new crater south of Mistwood to the Eternal City of Nokron. Follow the path to the boss fight with Mimic Tear, kill him, then take the bridge until you go left to the grassy area. Hug the far left cliff until you find a Zone of Grace called Night’s Sacred Ground, then jump onto the rooftops and follow them to the ground-level church until you find a treasure called the Fingerslayer Blade.
- Take it back to Ranni at Ranni’s Rise. He will give you the Inverted Carian Statue, a key item that acts as a key to a very special lock.
- Go to the Carian Study Hall in West Liurnia and use the Statue on the altar in front of the entrance to turn the entire tower. Then go to the bottom of the tower (we’re so sorry about that) and use the bridge to reach the Divine Tower in the east. At the top of the Divine Tower is an item called the Curse of Death. Take it from the corpse it’s sitting on.
- Now head back to the Three Sisters, this time to Ascension of Renni, the northernmost tower. Trigger the teleporting Waygate overhead and collect the Ranni in Miniature to be sent to the Ainsel River Main. Then try talking to him a few times at the nearest Grace Site – he’ll eventually talk back. Fearful!
- Nokstella, follow the River to the Eternal City and descend towards the Nokstella Waterfall Basin Grace Zone (you will need to use an elevator down the water). From the tunnel right next to it there will be an NPC Invasion named Baleful Shadow – kill him. After that, the Miniature Ranni will give you the Thrown Palace Key.
- Go to the Raya Lucaria Great Library where you are fighting Renalla and use the key to open the locked chest right next to it. You will get the Dark Moon Ring.
- Head back to where you killed Baleful Shadow and continue heading Southwest to reach Rot Lake. Use the stepping stones to reach the Southwest corner and the Grand Cloister building over the lake. Here you will find a coffin on the edge of a waterfall. Get on when prompted – it will transport you to the next location.
- This will take you to a new boss fight called Astel, the Naturalborn of the Void. Astel is a formidable opponent that uses gravitational attacks to enhance her natural kicks and strikes, adding delayed bursts that are usually triggered a moment after the first hit. Try to stay behind or under him whenever possible, use a summons to get his attention, and dodge much more than your shield – most of his attacks will pierce your defenses.
- After Astel dies, go through the arena to the elevator, the elevator will take you to the surface on the elevated plateau in Liurnia. You’ll be attacked by a dragon here, but you don’t need to fight it – head to the Manus Celes Cathedral in the northeast corner and descend into the valley below to find Ranni’s body. Interact with him to put the ring on your hand and complete his quest.
When Ranni’s questline ends, you can complete the last parts of Blaidd’s questline if you follow that story as well.
How to get Elden Ring Secret Ending, the Age of Stars
Once you complete Ranni’s questline, this will give you vote to trigger the hidden end, but it doesn’t trigger it automatically. After you defeat the final boss of Elden Ring, which is outlined in our Elden Ring main bosses guide, you will see a summoning sign on the ground that will allow you to bring in Ranni. Trigger the ending of Age of Stars, a permanent decision that will end the game.
Ranni quest rewards in Elden Ring
There are numerous rewards in Ranni’s questline, some are direct rewards for completing his quest, others are rewards given by obligatory enemies you must defeat. Here is the full list:
- Dark Moon Great Sword: A unique Greatsword with good Internal scaling, freeze damage, and the ability to temporarily strengthen itself with Moonlight Greatsword Ash of War. It also requires the use of Int 38 and is retrieved at the very end of the quest, after finding Ranni’s body in the Manus Celes Cathedral. It’s also a recurring item in the Soulsborne series – so it’s also an easter egg!
- Commemoration of Naturalborn: A memory he left after killing Astel can be used in the Round Table Eclipse to trade Waves of Darkness, a unique War Ash that adds Magic Affinity to larger melee weapons and grants a special AOE hit, along with Finger Reader Enia. You can also turn it into a forge with Intelligence scaling called Bastard’s Stars.
- Silver Teardrop Mask and two Larval Tears: Killing Mimic Tear at Nokron’s entrance grants you a unique (albeit ugly) helmet and two Larval Tears that increase your Arcane stat. If you’re not sure how to use them, check out our Elden Ring homage and Larval Tears page, which explains how you can use them to truly redefine yourself.
- Loretta’s Great Bow and Ashes of War: Loretta’s Slash: To get Ranni’s Ascension you need to go through the Royal Knight Loretta and she will drop the Great Bow (actually a spell that fires a special arrow instead of equipment) and Loretta’s Slash of War used on spears and polearms. to give them Magic Affinity and a powerful upward attack.
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