In sooth, portals do beckon, promising treasures untold, be they Mythic or Secret units. But, dear reader, to partake in this bounty, a quest must be undertaken to discover the whereabouts of these new portals unveiled in the recent Update 6. Let us now delve into the realm of Anime Defenders, and uncover the secrets of obtaining the coveted Golden Knight Portals.
A Guide to Acquiring New Portals in Anime Defenders – The Golden Knight Portals Expedition
Venture forth into the depths of the Underwater City, where the infinite mode shall unveil the Golden Knight Portals to those brave enough to face its trials. Complete the saga of the Underwater City in story mode to unlock the fabled infinite mode. Yet, be forewarned, for the Golden Knight Portals do not readily yield to all who seek them. Employ Portal Hardeners to fortify these portals and enhance your chances of claiming their rewards. The odds of their descent vary with their rarity:
- Rare Golden Knight Portals (50% drop rate) from the depths of the Underwater City infinite mode.
- Epic Golden Knight Portals (30% drop rate) from the unfathomable depths of the Underwater City infinite mode.
Should you choose to host or join fellow seekers in pursuit of Rare Golden Knight Portals, an Epic portal shall be bestowed upon you. Yet, the Golden Knight Portal (Epic) marks but the beginning of your journey towards the more precious treasures that await, culminating in the enigmatic Secret Golden Knight Portal.
The Quest for the Legendary Golden Knight Portal in Anime Defenders
Behold, the Legendary Golden Knight Portal stands as a beacon to those who dare to delve into the realm of Epics. Host or join an Epic Golden Knight Portal, and should fortune smile upon thee, a 60% chance of claiming the Legendary Golden Knight Portal awaits as a host. As a guest in another’s Epic portal, a 30% chance is bestowed upon thee to grasp the Legendary portal.
The Pursuit of the Mythic Golden Knight Portal in Anime Defenders
To reach the Mythic Golden Knight Portal, one must traverse the threshold of the Legendary Golden Knight Portal. As a host, a 40% chance of encountering the Mythic Portal shall be yours, while as a guest in the Legendary Portal, a 25% chance beckons for thee to seize the Mythic Portal.
The Unveiling of the Secret Golden Knight Portal in Anime Defenders
Only through the Mythic Golden Knight Portal can the Secret Golden Knight Portal be glimpsed. Host a hardened Mythic Portal to behold a 2.5% drop chance for the Secret Golden Knight Portal. As a guest in another’s Mythic Portal, a 1.5% chance awaits thee to uncover the elusive Secret Portal.
By partaking in the trade of these portals, one may hasten their acquisition. Seek out others in the realm of Anime Defenders, or venture into the Discord domain for opportunities to barter. And should you wish to quicken the pace of your portal collection, employ the Wave Jumper, ideally of Tier 3, to leap through waves and claim rewards swiftly. These items, earned through the completion of Story mode chapters, may grant you the portals without the need for arduous farming.
For further insights into Anime Defenders, peruse the Anime Defenders codes on Moyens I/O, and let the journey into the realm of Golden Knight Portals continue.