Amidst the ebbs and flows of time, behold the wondrous phenomena known as Spotlight Hours in the realm of Pokemon GO. These celestial events, occurring a few times a month, unveil a concentrated outpouring of wild spawns dominated by a singular Pokemon. Delve into the intricate tapestry of these celestial moments with our guide to the ethereal Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour.
When Is the Next Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour?
The forthcoming Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour shall grace us on the eventide of Tuesday, September 10th, commencing at the hour of 6 PM and lingering until 7 PM, as ordained by local time. During this luminous hour, the enigmatic Dewpider shall reign supreme, accompanied by the bountiful bestowal of double-catch Stardust.
Can Dewpider Be Shiny in Pokemon Go?
Verily, I declare unto thee that Dewpider, in its essence, carries the shimmering potential to manifest itself in a Shiny form within the mystical confines of Pokemon GO, as doth its evolved state, Araquanid.
Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour Schedule (September 2024)
Behold the grand tapestry of the Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour events that shall unfold during the month of September in the year 2024. This sacred scroll unveils the dates, times, featured bonuses, highlighted Pokemon, and the enigmatic query of their Shiny nature.
- Date & Time: September 3 from 6 PM – 7 PM
- Event Bonus: 2x Evolution XP
- Shiny? Yes
- Date & Time: September 10 from 6 PM – 7 PM
- Event Bonus: 2x Catch Stardust
- Shiny? Yes
- Date & Time: September 17 from 6 PM – 7 PM
- Event Bonus: 2x Catch XP
- Shiny? Yes
- Machop
- Date & Time: September 24 from 6 PM – 7 PM
- Event Bonus: 2x Catch Candy
- Shiny? Yes
What Do You Need for Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour?
Prepare thyself for the grand odyssey that is the Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour. These hours of plenty beckon for a vast arsenal of Poke Balls, the invocation of mystical buffs in the form of Lucky Egg, Star Piece, and Incense, and the carving out of an extra hour post-event to sift through the myriad captures, separating the chaff from the wheat.
In the aftermath of the event, harness the arcane power of search commands to unearth the finest specimens within your vast collection:
- *4&age0**: Discover Pokemon of pristine perfection from the bygone day.
- *3&age0**: Seek out Pokemon of near perfection from the recent past.
- *4&[Pokemon Name]**: Single out a specific Pokemon of immaculate lineage.
Thus concludes our tale of Pokemon GO Spotlight Hours, a narrative rich in lore and strategy. Yet the quest shall not falter here. For those seeking knowledge of impending raids, venture forth into the depths of our Pokemon GO Raid Schedule.
Pokemon GO is available to play now.