Verily, fair Juliet is blessed with a family who doth delight in ringing her whene’er a notion doth cross their minds. Yet, ’tis the answering of such calls that doth prove a tad challenging. Herein lies a guide on how to attend to the telephone in the exquisite realm of Lollipop Chainsaw RePop.
Instructive Epistle: How To Attend to the Telephone in Lollipop Chainsaw RePop
At the genesis of the prologue, fair Juliet receiveth a call from her dear mother, thus acquainting thee with the phone mechanic. The game doth bid thee to peruse thy calls post-haste upon their receipt, imparting an unwarranted sense of urgency to these communiqués. Wondrously, there exists no means to answer the phone in Lollipop Chainsaw RePop, regardless of the tutorial prompt’s misleading counsel.
Instead, whenever a phone icon appeareth on thy screen, thou must needs delve into thy pause menu, select Juliet’s Stash, and thence choose phone messages. Shouldst thou receive the second message whilst embroiled in the initial skirmish with a mini-boss during the prologue yet find it not within the phone message log, fret thee not! Forsooth, it doth reside as the eighteenth entry on the list, dispatched by dear old sire. Pray tell, the reason for its disarray doth elude me entirely.
Hark! Henceforth, each of thy phone messages shall be speedily catalogued within Juliet’s Stash, awaiting thy leisurely perusal. This bodes well, for the sections are fraught with temporal constraints that shall directly impact thy progress in the game. Generally, these calls, originating from Juliet’s kin and comrades, shall manifest themselves at the checkpoints strewn throughout the land, bestowing upon thee one of the few complimentary aids at thy disposal, beyond the Lollipop Collectibles strewn across every level.
Thy final call shalt arrive post the vanquishing of the ultimate adversary, thereby heralding the attainment of the coveted "Always On The Phone" trophy. As thy sole task is to emerge victorious in the game, this accolade stands as one of the most straightforward achievements to be had.
And thus concludes the elucidation on how to attend to the telephone within Lollipop Chainsaw RePop. Verily, Lollipop Chainsaw RePop doth beckon thee to partake in its splendors, available for thy enjoyment presently.