In thy odyssey through the Abyss of Time in Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis, the Monad Doors, like spectral apparitions, may materialize upon thy current floor. These mysterious portals conceal formidable mini bosses, whose defeat may yield rewards of great value to the intrepid soul willing to engage them in battle.
Verily, how may one uncover these enigmatic Monad Doors in Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis? Much akin to the base game, these doors materialize at random in Episode Aigis. Yet, in this realm, they appear with greater frequency, heralded by the ethereal voice of Fuuka once thy foot hath crossed the threshold of a new floor. Lo, instead of a singular portal, thee shall encounter a triad of doors within this DLC, each concealing a trio of potential foes. Know ye that the adversaries within Malebolge differ from those within Cocytus.
These portals are arrayed from left to right according to their challenge. The leftmost door harbors a lone mini-boss, while the middle shall pit thee against two foes. The rightmost door presents a truly daunting prospect – three mini-bosses standing as one unholy trinity, engaged in a single, protracted battle. Though the conflict may be long, the spoils thereof are indeed worth the toil. The chance of obtaining Major Arcana Cards during Shuffle Time is greatly heightened within these battles, with the potential to acquire an additional card.
Vanquishing these mini-bosses within the Monad Doors bestow upon thee the coveted Monad equipment contained within the opulent chests. The difficulty of the encounter corresponds directly to the richness of the rewards reaped. The left door offers two chests of random contents, whilst the rightmost door may yield up to eight. I would counsel thee to direct thy steps towards the middle door at the very least. Employ thy Theurgy attacks and exploit the weaknesses of thine adversaries to secure thy triumph.
The equipment procured from the Monad Doors stands as some of the finest treasures within Episode Aigis, surpassing even the spoils of the Police Station and certain rewards from Elizabeth’s Requests. Yet, be forewarned – these treasures bear random enchantments, and the nature of the equipment thou shalt receive remains uncertain. The rightmost door shall furnish thee with a weapon, chest piece, boots, and accessory, an array of gear fit for a champion.
To engage in the time-honored tradition of farming the Monad Doors is to equip oneself without depleting thy coffers, and to ascend in levels to challenge the principal adversaries more assuredly. Moreover, it provides a convenient avenue through which to acquire the Major Arcana Cards thou dost desire ere delving deeper into the unknown recesses, especially upon thy return from the sanctuary of the dormitory.
In the world of Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis, the Monad Doors manifest in the realm of Cocytus. The vanquishing of these foes is requisite for certain requests. Take heed of their weaknesses:
Elegant Mother – Fire. Resists Wind, Nulls Dark.
Maniacal Book – Wind. Resist Ice, Nulls Light.
Muttering Tiarja – Wind.
Phantom Mage – Wind. Nulls Lightning, Repels Light.
Blue Sigil – Slash. Absorbs Ice.
Red Sigil – Ice. Absorbs Fire.
Indeed, these elemental vulnerabilities shall guide thee in thy quest for glory within the Monad Doors. May thy courage falter not, for the road ahead is fraught with peril, yet ripe with the promise of triumph.
Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis beckons thee now, an ethereal siren tempting thee with its secrets. Embrace the challenge, for within the Monad Doors lie riches untold, waiting to be claimed by the bold and the brave.