How to Complete Little Friend in the Sky in Throne and Liberty

How to Complete Little Friend in the Sky in Throne and Liberty

Verily, within the realm of Throne and Liberty doth lie a multitude of cunning quests awaiting brave souls. Should ye find thyself ensnared by the puzzles therein, fret not, for we shall illuminate the path to victory. Behold now, the method to conquer the challenge known as Little Friend in the Sky.

The commencement of this quest, Little Friend in the Sky, doth reside within the Nesting Grounds of Throne and Liberty. A task is set before thee, to discover a doll amidst the heavens, a task seemingly insurmountable without the gift of flight. But fear not, for we shall guide thee through this labyrinth of clouds and stars.

To achieve triumph in this quest, thou must first ascend the heights of the Starlight Observatory Ruins. Employ thy grappling hook to reach the summit, and there await the herald of the Gigantrite world event. Heed the schedule of celestial events, for it shall herald the arrival of the Gigantrite.

When the appointed time arrives, behold the majestic Gigantrite soaring toward thee. In that moment, leap from the Observatory and secure thy grip upon its majestic form. Traverse the vast expanse of its back, seek out the doll named Yeddy amidst the azure crystals adorning its left side. Seize the prize, then return to Kastleton Inn and deliver it unto Tailor Noan to bring thy quest to a close.

Upon the accomplishment of this noble deed, ye shall reap the following rewards:

– 16,210 experience points
– 40,732 Sollant
– 4 Recovery Crystals
– 7 Quality Passive Skill Growth Books
– 8 Quality Polished Crystals
– 7 Quality Armor Growthstones
– Snow White Cutie Yeddy

Thus concludes the tale of the Little Friend in the Sky quest in Throne and Liberty. ‘Tis a task easily conquered once the path is revealed. Seeketh ye further wisdom and guidance, turn thy gaze towards Moyens I/O, where knowledge of Dimensional Soul Shards and the art of weapon combos await thee.

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