In thy quest to ascend to the heights of the GOAT in MyCAREER Mode, thou must needs acquaint thyself with the paramount passing styles in the realm of NBA 2K25. As thou dost forge thy path to glory, three passing styles doth shine brightly amidst the throng, and lo, we doth present them unto thee for thine own discernment.
Hark, How To Alter Pass Style in NBA 2K25
Behold, the first step in thy journey is to unravel the mystery of changing thy present pass style in NBA 2K25. From the MyCAREER realm, make thy way unto MyPLAYER and select Animations. Employ the LB/L1 and RB/R1 buttons to navigate unto the Animations Store, select Playmaking Moves, and Pass Styles. Here shalt thou behold the options currently unlocked within this menu, or press R3 to glimpse the Pass Styles that lie locked, along with their prerequisites for unfurling.
The Best Pass Style for 70+
Picture a young De’Aaron Fox, his pass accuracy soaring at 77 or higher, gracing thy MyCAREER stage with his swift, elegant pass style. ‘Tis a choice imbued with accuracy and flair unrivaled thus far, though it behooves thee to discard it once the next door doth open.
The Supreme Pass Style for 80+
Now envision Tyrese Haliburton, his pass accuracy soaring to 89 and beyond, a beacon of excellence amidst the tumultuous seas of the game. For those who have journeyed to the very heart of their MyCAREER or have bestowed ample VC upon their character, heed well the call of the Tyrese Haliburton Pass Style. It doth seem destined to become the online and NBA game meta of our time.
The Finest Pass Style for 90+
If thou hast surpassed the vaunted 90 threshold, then let the Mike Conley Pass Style be thy guide. ‘Tis the sole choice available to those with 90+ pass accuracy, though with each new season’s dawn, we may anticipate the arrival of more styles and a potential shift in the meta.
The Pinnacle Pass Style in NBA 2K25
For those in quest of the ultimate passing style in NBA 2K25, verily, thy choice should be Tyrese Haliburton. Whilst Mike Conley may require a greater pass accuracy of 90+, the celerity with which Tyrese delivers the rock is unmatched in the current epoch. It reigns as the meta for Season 1, and perchance shall continue to hold sway even after the season concludes.
NBA 2K25 doth now grace the realms of PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC, awaiting thy presence and prowess on the court.