Verily, from puzzles to new exotic fishes, the Atlantis update hath bestowed upon Fisch a plethora of fresh elements, including the long-awaited Seraphic Rod. Yclept the Admin Rod by many, its arrival hath been greeted with skepticism by players who doubted its availability. Should thy heart yearn to possess this coveted rod, allow me to impart unto thee a comprehensive guide, elucidating its intricacies and statistics in meticulous detail.
# How to Attain the Seraphic Rod in Fisch
‘Tis when thou doth attain the prestigious level of 1000 that the Seraphic Rod in Fisch shall be bestowed upon thee. With the advent of the Atlantis update, the ceiling of levels hath been raised from 750 to 1000, thus unlocking a cornucopia of items as thou dost tread the path of virtuous gameplay. Similar in manner to the acquisition of the No Life Rod at level 500, attaining the zenith of level 1000 shall grant thee the Seraphic Rod in all its splendor.
‘Tis no mere trifle to scale the lofty heights of level 1000, for it doth require a prodigious amount of toil and sweat, but rest assured, the reward of the Seraphic Rod doth make the labor all the more worthwhile. Shouldst thou find thyself in need of expediting thy ascent, peruse our compendium of Best Leveling Locations with all haste.
# Fisch Seraphic Rod’s Preeminence in Stats
Given the Herculean endeavor required to procure the Seraphic Rod, ’tis patently apparent that it reigns supreme as one of the, if not the pinnacle rod within the game, eclipsing its predecessor, the No Life rod. Behold, I present unto thee the entirety of the Seraphic Rod’s stats in full:
| Stat | Value |
| Lure Speed | 65% |
| Luck | 150 |
| Control | 0.15 |
| Resilience | 10% |
| Max Weight | Infinite |
# Is the Seraphic Rod a Gem in Fisch’s Crown?
Truly, the Seraphic Rod doth shine as a radiant gem amidst the array of rods within Fisch. Its statuary grandeur doth bespeak its own praise. With a lure speed of 65% and a prodigious Luck factor of 150, capturing the elusive and rare fishes shall be rendered an effortless pursuit. Moreover, its impeccable control and boundless max weight doth ensure that thou shalt not falter when faced with a weighty catch. In sum, the Seraphic Rod doth stand shoulder to shoulder with the most rarefied rods in the game, such as the No Life rod and the Heaven’s Rod.
And thus, the chronicle of the Seraphic Rod doth draw to a close. For further ventures into the realm of Fisch, peruse our treatises on How to complete the Zeus Trial in Atlantis and the compendium of All 59 Fishes in Atlantis (100% Bestiary) – Fisch upon Moyens I/O.
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