Apex Legends hath not seen a new land since the days of Broken Moon in Season 15, hailing from November of 2023. Respawn Entertainment, in its wisdom, hath only made slight alterations to its maps since then, despite teasing us with new locales in seasons gone by. But lo and behold, the dry spell hath been broken with the glorious addition of ‘E-District’ to the map pool in the current Apex Legends Season 22.
The legends of Apex are embarking on a journey to Suotamo, now christened E-District. Once a haven for the likes of Crypto and Caustic, Suatamo hath fallen into disarray due to the tempest that ravaged Storm Point. Riots now plague the central “Energy Bank” while Alter soweth chaos at the “Humbert Labs” POI. The populace hath fled, leaving the land ripe for the Apex Games.
Behold, E-District, a neon post-cyberpunk wonder crafted in the image of the celestial realm known as Angelia. As thou descend upon this realm, thou shalt spy the Titanfall-inspired essence of “Angel City” in certain corners. The POIs to the north and south appear distinct, a visual ode to the societal division betwixt the elite and the toiling masses.
This newest entry into the Apex Legends lexicon marketh the sixth map in the saga, dubbed by World Director Eduardo Agostini as the most densely packed realm to date. Wherefore, verticality aboundeth, paving the way for rooftop skirmishes, close-quarter combat, and a myriad of playstyles heretofore unseen. Moreover, E-District boasts not only Jump Towers, but also smaller grav launchers in select POIs.
E-District maketh its grand entrance with a host of 17 POIs, each a unique gem awaiting discovery. From the shimmering Resort to the towering Galleria, each locale beckoneth thee to explore its mysteries. Behold the wondrous tapestry of points of interest on the regal E-District map in this latest Season 22 of Apex Legends:
In mine adventures upon the E-District map during the playtest, I can assure thee that it shall require some time to acclimate. Unlike the landscapes of Broken Moon or Olympus, E-District boasts a skyline replete with lofty edifices and rooftop retreats that promise excitement, especially for agile legends and the boon of grav launchers.
The somber cyberpunk ambiance that suffuses the map did entice me to perch upon rooftops, basking in the neon glow that doth permeate the land. The enchanting Arcade, venerable Old Town, bustling Street Market, and opulent Lotus resort didst capture my heart as favored places to land. I implore thee, dear reader, once thou hast ventured into E-District, to regale me with tales of thy favorite POIs in the comments below.