Destiny 2 Vanguard Medals make their debut in Destiny 2 thanks to Guardian Games 2022. These Vanguard medals are very similar to the medals you get in Crucible and Gambit, and reward you with extra points for performing amazing feats with your weapons and abilities. However, these are only available in Guardian Games Strike playlists. If you want to get them all, there is a list of all Destiny 2 Vanguard Medals as well as how to get them.
List of Destiny 2 Vanguard Medals
Here are 47 of the Destiny 2 Vanguard Medals and how to get them. Currently, you can only get them from the Guardian Games: Recreational, Training, and Competitive playlists. They’re all worth points, so if you’re looking to maximize your Platinum score in the Competitive playlist, getting a variety of these medals will really help, especially for the Destiny 2 Score to Hit quest.
- kinetic madness – Quickly defeat three enemies with Kinetic or Stasis weapons
- Kinetic Ramp – Quickly defeat six enemies with Kinetic or Stasis weapons
- Kinetic Frenzy – Quickly defeat nine enemies with Kinetic or Stasis weapons
- energy frenzy – Quickly defeat three enemies with energy weapons
- energy ramp – Quickly defeat six enemies with energy weapons
- energy frenzy – Quickly defeat nine enemies with energy weapons
- power frenzy – Quickly defeat three enemies with power weapons
- Power Ramp – Quickly defeat six enemies with power weapons
- power frenzy – Quickly defeat nine enemies with power weapons
- Sensitivity Frenzy – Quickly defeat three enemies with precision damage
- Power Ramp – Quickly defeat six enemies with precision damage
- power frenzy – Quickly defeat nine enemies with precision damage
- Hawk Eye – Defeat 10 enemies without dying with Scout Rifles, Bows, Sniper Rifles or Linear Fusion Rifles
- Out of scope – Defeat 20 enemies without dying with Scout Rifles, Bows, Sniper Rifles or Linear Fusion Rifles
- general surgeon – Defeat 30 enemies without dying with Scout Rifles, Bows, Sniper Rifles or Linear Fusion Rifles
- hunter – Defeat 10 enemies with Auto Rifles, Impact Rifles, Hand Cannons, Fusion Rifles or Machine Guns without dying
- mobile – Defeat 20 enemies with Auto Rifles, Impact Rifles, Hand Cannons, Fusion Rifles or Machine Guns without dying
- Paste and Move – Defeat 30 enemies without dying with Auto Rifles, Impact Rifles, Hand Cannons, Fusion Rifles or Machine Guns
- cannon ball – Defeat 10 enemies with Grenade Launchers (Special or Heavy) or Rocker Launcher without dying
- crater maker – Defeat 20 enemies with Grenade Launcher (Special or Heavy) or Rocker Launcher without dying
- master destroyer – Defeat 30 enemies with Grenade Launchers (Special or Heavy) or Rocker Launcher without dying
- head to head – Defeat 10 enemies with Pistol, SMG, Shotgun, Glaive or Sword without dying
- Hand in hand – Defeat 20 enemies with Pistol, SMG, Shotgun, Glaive or Sword without dying
- Eye to eye – Defeat 30 enemies with Pistol, SMG, Shotgun, Glaive or Sword without dying
- indestructible – Finish a Guardian Games playlist event without dying
- The Perfect Fire Brigade – Complete a Guardian Games playlist event before anyone on your fire team dies
- Fire Brigade – Defeat 10 warriors as a fire squad
- Guardian angel – Quickly resurrect Two Guardians
- Demolition Specialist – Quickly defeat three enemies with the Grenade
- crazy – Quickly defeat three enemies with melee final blows (this can be melee abilities or normal melee attacks)
- Let there be light – Quickly defeat three enemies with your super ability
- on thin ice – Quickly defeat three enemies frozen by Stasis
- The Size Is Crushing – Quickly defeat three enemies with Stasis shatter damage
- Weapon Master – Quickly defeat warriors with weapons to quickly earn Kinetic Spree, Energy Spree and Power Spree medals
- virtuoso – Quickly defeat warriors with their ability to quickly earn the Demolition Specialist, Berserker, and Let There Be Light medals
- master at every job – Quickly defeat warriors with weapons and abilities to quickly earn Master of Weapons and Virtuoso medals.
- giant killer – Defeat a Champion
- Final Touches – Defeat a mighty warrior (an enemy whose health bar is not red) with a finisher
- Insulting Injury – Perform an emote and then defeat a mighty warrior with a finisher
- Crossed the Bronze Threshold – Beat the Bronze point threshold (50,000 points) in a Guardian Games playlist event
- Crossed the Silver Threshold – Beat the Silver point threshold (100,000 points) in a Guardian Games playlist event
- Crossed the Golden Threshold – Beat the Gold point threshold (150,000 points) in a Guardian Games playlist event
- Crossed the Platinum Threshold – Beat the Platinum point threshold (175,000 points) in a Guardian Games playlist event
- Bronze Level Achieved – Complete a Guardian Games playlist event with Bronze points (50,000 – 99.999)
- Silver Level Obtained – Complete a Guardian Games playlist event with Silver points (100,000 – 149.999)
- Gold Level Achieved – Complete a Guardian Games playlist event with Gold points (150,000 – 174,999)
- Platinum Level Achieved – Complete a Guardian Games playlist event with Platinum points (175,000+)
Each of these Vanguard Medals is tied to a Triumph, which can be found in the Guardian Games section of the Season of the Risen Triumphs menu. They don’t give any Triumph points, but we don’t know if and when Strike points will be back, so get them while you can!
When participating in Guardian Games Strike playlists, be sure to complete Platinum and Contender Cards to receive medals for your Class. You’ll need Destiny 2 Laurels to purchase easily earnable cards in these playlists, but you can also check out the Destiny 2 Daily Focus for Guardian Games 2022.
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