The answers to Deathloop Yerhva, Queen of Riddles questions are fortunately set in stone, meaning there is only one correct answer to each based on the information already available in the game. This eliminates most of the random item you have to deal with when finding various Deathloop codes to open doors and safes. However, there is an element of randomization, as there are 10 possible questions and the order in which you have to answer them is not fixed, but the answers remain fixed and are searchable here if you don’t want to investigate. The information in the notes you find on Deathloop saves yourself time in the process.
Learn about all the different Weapon and Character Deathloop Trinkets you can collect and the buffs they provide when equipped.
You can tick off Yerhva using this list of all Deathloop Queen of Riddles answers. Instead of spending many years searching for very specific notes, ask your questions and get them done whenever you want. This strange vending machine will interrogate you about Blackreef Island, the Visionaries and more, giving you one chance to fix them every cycle – screwing everything up and you’ll have to come back when everything resets.
Now as I mentioned, answers can be found more honestly by finding and reading all of the ‘How well do you know Blackreef’ notes. So if you want to do it properly, stop reading and start searching – but be warned: Some answers are in hard-to-reach areas that you won’t find until fairly late in the game. So, if you just want to flag down and tackle this challenge, we have everything you need and honestly you might want to save time for reasons we’ll explain at the end.
All Queen of Riddles answers
There are several Queen of Riddles questions you need to answer, and it seems the order of answers can be randomized. Here are all the questions and answers to help you.
Q. The writhing, writhing energies of the cycle have been used to give us abilities beyond our biological potential. What gave birth to our Trinkets and Tiles?
A. Dr. Wenjie Evens has personally designed each one.
Resembling S. Bay, The Rock, and the labyrinth, Updaam proudly wears the AEON colors, but this decor belies their past. Where did the strange names that adorn them come from?
A. They date back to a lost fishing colony.
Q. Decades ago, warmongers were playing with the fluctuating temporal tides about Blackreef. Their temples with their coats of arms stand motionless. What did he call his doomed attempts?
A. Operation Horizon.
S. Harriet Morse gatekeeper, Blackreef gate. A veil hangs on the threshold. What do we discover when it breaks down?
A. Beyond the Great.
Q. Dip your toes in the dark earth and let the vibrations of his voice travel through your bones. How did this island get its name?
A. Coastal coral formations.
Q. What seed did AEON come from?
Shared passions of A. Harriet Morse, Egor Sterling and Dr Wenjie Evans.
Q. AEON adorns this island like an ever-changing jewel on the neck of the world’s greatest beauty. What does the program want?
A. Advancement of human potential and enlightenment.
Prior to the arrival of S. AEON, Blackreef slept in the frozen womb awaiting a new purpose. Then who landed and woke him from his sleep?
A. Colt Vahn and Egor Sterling on a journey of discovery.
Q. Blackreef offers a rich feast for the senses. What transcendent work rises above the island’s innumerable other artistic pursuits?
A. Charlie Montegue’s nose, chin and eyes.
S. Karl’s Bay has worn many faces, many of which have succumbed to time as the mysterious Karl himself. What was the last incarnation of AEON before its arrival?
A. A military airbase.
What do you get when you answer all the Queen of Riddles questions?
Here’s the bad news. All these trivial things get you… nothing. Answer all questions correctly and Yervha will reveal the “biggest secret” where she came from. He will then play a tape of the Visionary Charlies and explain that the Queen of Riddles is the only remaining restored automaton originally built at the turn of the century and working. Yay, knowledge. The greatest gift.