8 Must-Play Video Game Remakes Coming Soon

8 Must-Play Video Game Remakes Coming Soon

If yon be true, verily I must proclaim from the onset that I am not of a mind to partake in the retelling of video games past. Though there have been shining examples of game remakes in recent times, most are but endeavors by grand studios to fill their coffers. Yet, as one who hath walked the path of gaming for many a moon, I have crossed paths with games that have left an indelible mark upon my soul. Alas, these games, albeit aged, may not hold the same allure for current players.

Behold, the developers hath taken heed of this and have delved into the past. With a plethora of video game remakes already unveiled and even rumored, there is much in store for gamers. So join me now as I regale thee with the best video game remakes I eagerly await in the year 2024.

1. Max Payne 1 & 2 Remake

I still recall the hour I ventured into the realm of Max Payne, ensnared by the character’s tragic tale. There was an ineffable allure in donning that tattered black drape and meting out justice to avenge my virtual kin. Max Payne 3 allowed me to conclude this poignant saga and bid farewell to him as he walked into the dusk. However, as the year 2024 unfurls, I find Remedy hath made the right choice in resurrecting him from the shadows.

‘Tis confirmed that the Max Payne 1 and 2 remake is poised for production, signaling a profound endeavor in the second quarter of 2024. I dare to hope that the Max Payne remake shall be fashioned using Remedy’s Northlight Engine, capturing the essence it once possessed. Yet, with the passing of James McCaffrey, the voice of Max Payne, I implore Remedy not to alter the voice lest they quench the spirit of the remake. Alas, the wait shall be long, for the Max Payne remakes art not to grace us until 2026 or beyond.

2. Splinter Cell

We hath traversed the realm of Splinter Cell ere now. Although the last sighting of Sam Fisher was in Blacklist of 2013, the tendrils of nostalgia lead me back to the original Splinter Cell. The first doth blend a tapestry of wondrous elements – a captivating narrative, refined gameplay mechanics, and a setting shrouded in darkness that set Splinter Cell leagues ahead of its time.

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Ubisoft hath proclaimed a Splinter Cell remake in 2021, set to be enfleshed on the Snowdrop Engine. This remake shall encompass the essence of the original whilst infusing it with much-needed visual and mechanical enhancements. Alas, little hath been heard of it since its announcement. Mayhap development progresses smoothly and it doth not suffer the fate of XDefiant and Skull and Bones.

3. Silent Hill 2

I recall venturing through the eerie town of Silent Hill as James during my days with the PS2. Save for the vexing camera angles, I was enamored and terrified by the game in equal measure. Thus, when the Silent Hill 2 remake trailer unfolded, I was filled with a mix of excitement and dread. Thankfully, the game doth dispense with the ghastly camera and amplifies the visual fidelity to a higher plane.

Though I am not a fervent admirer of horror games, Silent Hill 2 is a journey I eagerly await. From the tidings that hath reached mine ears, the revamped combat system interwoven with terrors doth promise a rare delight. When all is said and done, the Silent Hill 2 remake shall assuage the longing left by the Enhanced Edition in the year of 2012. This video game remake shall descend upon us on the 8th of October 2024, and I await its arrival with bated breath!