Chapter 5 found players clamoring for Act 3 Port On Valorant and making the best use of it in this short time. It’s only natural to try and learn about Harbor as a method of covering. utility allows it to aggressively take control while the site’s teammates are breaking up and entering the site. As a supporting agent, Harbor’s take up space on the map, making it difficult for his enemies to move around and in turn making him a nuisance to play.
Harbor may be just looking at it, as Harbor falls into the severely understaffed controller category, and most controllers are map specific. universal controller slot this can probably be run on any map. Harbor’s natural play is on the defensive rather than aggressive shredding or attacks. attack based game and since center control is one of the most important area controls on the map, it’s natural to use Harbor’s abilities as a controller to try and force the initial control on the field.
How to drink Mid from Tiles in Ascent in Valorant
If Harbor has to be good at something, it should be in the ability to smoke crucial gateway points simultaneously with his kit allowing him to select a specific area and deny enemy abilities within. Harbor’s bay ability does exactly that, which he can buy in return. 300 credits only one charge per match and per round. Bay of the Harbor should be used in conjunction with High Tide to allow better space occupation within the site prior to use. tidal wave to provide a smooth access to the site by better controlling the environment. It is important to try to make the most of this capability to facilitate better access to the site and allow maximum space to be taken and to cover up the most important part. press the site or to take control of an important part of the map.
Also Read: How to make Harbor’s wall in Ascent in Valorant
For this lineup, go near the middle tiles and look upwards towards the roof. Taking the sheep skill, align it to the top of the roof and jump to land perfectly in the middle arch to block any obstacles. Operated Rooms. This will smoke perfectly from the middle of the arch, early to moderate control to push to the site.
It’s a fairly simple array that doesn’t require anything too complicated and has control over an important part of the map. Go ahead and impress your teammates with this roster.
Also Read: Top 5 Port Lineups for Pearl Map in Valorant