3 worst maps for Harbor in Valorant 1

3 worst maps for Harbor in Valorant

Act 3 of Valorant Chapter 5 is still in its early stages and after Valorant changed the meta once again by throwing new agent Harbor into the mix, players are still trying to find new top agents to work on each map.

This time, however, the changes are quite significant, moreover, because there is nothing consolidated about the best agents to choose for each map, and to this is added the best agents to match with Harbor for maximum benefit.

To have a greater impact on gameplay, it’s more important to understand that not all agents can be run on all maps, and similarly, Harbor may need to be dropped on certain maps where it won’t have a greater impact or can hold. team is back. best action then Leave it from team composition. This is more like a guide to find the top 3 maps you should avoid choosing the Harbor.

Also Read: Top 5 Port Lineups for Pearl Map in Valorant

3 worst maps for Harbor


3 worst maps for Harbor in Valorant

At this point, only Breach and Viper are somewhat comfortably placed when it comes to Fracture. Harbor is a particularly bad choice for this tour, as its usefulness allows it to cover large areas, but Fracture doesn’t have many of them. Alternatively, you can block a Breach flash or attack the enemy. camping in your own smokemakes it much more difficult to take over the site and control the entire domain. As an alternative, not only does Viper have poison orbs, but his wall does everything a Harbor wall does, and is much better in Fracture, making it the go-to controller on this map.

Also Read: How to make Harbor’s wall in Ascent in Valorant

ice box

The ice box is confusing for Harbor and there are no two ways. Yes, Harbor can smoke off key areas on the map, but if operated properly, the Omen and viper can do the same. In addition to these, viper ultimate It’s much more useful for spiny plants and takedowns, and also the Snakebite buildups are much more effective, making it’s way to Harbor once again to take control of this map.


3 worst maps for Harbor in Valorant

Given how expansive Haven is, the first idea would definitely be to run a Port to gain better control of the sites. However, when players realize that Harbor’s abilities can never completely eliminate all key areas and in turn allow enemies to pass through, Astra or even Brimstone become a much better option as an alternative. First, Brim can download three cigarettes all of a sudden, she has a molly and her ultimate calls for an orbital attack anytime anywhere on the map, making her the old guard on this map.

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However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try Harbor on these maps. Harbor has a versatile set that can help on just about any map, but solo queue has better controllers to choose from for greater in-game impact.

Also Read: Valorant Harbor Guide: Tips and Tricks for Success on the New Controller

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