Resident Evil: Netflix will release its new series on July 14, 2022 1

Resident Evil: Netflix will release its new series on July 14, 2022

Come on Racoon City boy, the day of glory has come. The release date of the new Resident Evil series, produced by Netflix, has finally been announced. All episodes will be uploaded 14 July 2022. It’s obviously an adaptation of the famous video game franchise.

At the moment we have few details about the project, but there is no doubt that a trailer will be released shortly. we just know the games will not fully cover the story, because it will go in another direction.

Resident Evil Netflix will introduce a new universe

Resident Evil (TV series), Not Netflix’s first licensing project. In the summer of 2021, the platform released Infinite Darkness. In this animated series, Claire and Léon took part in an investigation and featured in the same universe as the games. Along with the series, Netflix will wipe the slate by setting up its own narrative.

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