Netflix wants its own GTA game for its gaming platform 1

Netflix wants its own GTA game for its gaming platform

Netflix’s games section has been pretty quiet since its launch. Operating mainly in the field of mobile games for successful series Like Stranger Things, Squid Game and Wednesday. In addition to its original mobile games, Netflix also offers licensed games like TD Balloons 6 and Valiant Hearts.

For subscribers, all of these games are available for free via the Netflix app; The goal is to retain users rather than using games to attract potential customers. According to the Wall Street Journal and its sources, Netflix now looks like it wants to go even further. Company ” Take-Two discussed plans to release a game from Interactive Software’s popular action-adventure series “Grand Theft Auto” through a licensing deal “.

Also read – Netflix Gaming: our pick of the best Android and iOS games included with subscription

Netflix wants a GTA game in its catalog

The WSJ report makes no further mention of this hope for a deal or what it might entail. There is also no evidence to confirm that Netflix has discussed its goals with Take-Two. What’s certain is that we probably shouldn’t wait for the next GTA 6 to drop from Netflix.

Right now, Netflix games are little more than a perk for subscribersbut with great privilege they can become much larger. There’s no way to know if Take-Two would want to enter into such a partnership, but it’s easy to see why Netflix might be interested in its own Grand Theft Auto.

would also be It’s far from the first time GTA has gained attention in the mobile space. Chinatown Wars, for example, would be right at home in the Netflix catalogue. We can even hope to see GTA The Trilogy, a remastered version of GTA 3, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas.

An analyst also told the Wall Street Journal that Netflix has spent $1 billion on games so far and will likely expand its gaming service to include AAA games in order to hire more game executives. It is not yet known whether this initiative will attract more subscribers.

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