The series “Sandman” is one of the most prominent productions on the Netflix platform, however, when it comes to a possible sequel, there is no solid information from the streaming service. In view of this, dissatisfied fans are speaking out on social media and urgently requesting a sequel to the series. However, until now, Netflix has remained silent on the matter.
Inspired by one of the characters from DC comics, “Sandman” was released by the Vertigo label after undergoing some adjustments by Neil Gaiman, and ended up becoming a huge phenomenon among more adult readers.
With a more serious and dark system, Gaiman developed a new world to explore, as well as making some other characters underused by the publisher to get more appearances. The most noticeable case is Doctor Doom himself, one of the villains of the narrative.
Gaiman has a different perspective, and his main goal was to take a new direction, rather than exploring the classic hero vs. villain story, with the hero always saving the day.
With the idea of comics having a more adult and better articulated system, Morpheus ended up leaving aside the versions of Sandman developed by DC itself, which had been presented a few years earlier.
The oldest version of Sandman
The work developed by Gaiman was released in 1989, which was a far cry from the version developed by Jack Kirby, one of the masters of comics. However, what many people don’t know is that Kirby’s version is not the oldest.
But yes, the version by Gardner Fox, who is responsible for developing the story of Flash and some other heroes. His version of Sandman was presented in 1919, and in this narrative, the hero was similar to the others, as well as the Scarlet Avenger, who used a gas gun to face criminals.
Furthermore, the first version was also part of the Justice Society, a group of heroes that emerged before the famous Justice League. The character even appeared in the series Stargirl, as well as being mentioned during the third season of the series.
Completely different from the dark and obscure version developed by Gaiman, Fox and Bert Christman’s Sandman had a cape, hat, and gas mask as accessories, in addition to using a suit as his official attire. He also used a type of gas as his weapon, which left his opponents unconscious.
Then, in the mid-1970s, Kirby’s version became the predominant version in DC stories. Garrett Sanford, popularly known as Sandman, had a yellow uniform with some red colors and a cape as his costume.
You can check out Sandman on the Netflix platform.