In yon tale of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, the fourth installment, “Can’t Say I Remember No At Attin,” doth reveal a tapestry of unknown lore to the galaxy. A new world, At Achrann, emerges from the shadows, alongside the Troik and Hattan clans.
Exposition on the Clans of At Achrann in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, Doth Commence
Episode 4 of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew doth witness the journey of the Onyx Cinder crew to what they believeth to be At Attin. Alas! ‘Tis revealed to be At Achrann, a secret realm concealed by the Old Republic. Though akin in structure to At Attin, At Achrann exists in a desolate wasteland, where clans do battle in perpetual strife.
The Troik Clan Unveiled in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew
In this episode, the Troik clan taketh center stage, divulging secrets of their traditions and the world of At Achrann. Unlike their counterparts on At Attin, the Troik raise their offspring as warriors, born into the crucible of conflict. Strix, their chieftain, justifieth this practice by claiming it shields their progeny. ‘Twas even revealed that his daughter, Hayna, didst rescue our heroes from the clutches of the Hattan, thanks to their militaristic upbringing.
‘Tis known that the Troik have taken residence in an ancient school edifice, with most dwelling atop its roof. Hayna mentioned a reliance on Eopies, though the nature of this dependency remained shrouded. A stringent regimen on provisions exists, perchance due to the Hattan filching a herd of Eopies, sparking frequent skirmishes and raids betwixt the clans.
Glimpsing the Hattan Clan in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew
The Hattan remain a mystery, appearing fleetingly in this episode’s tapestry. Yet, with Episode 4’s cliffhanger at hand, the chance for further revelations beckons. Scant details dost offer a glimpse into this enigmatic clan’s arsenal superiority, with a tank seen in their possession. Reports from Hayna suggest a surplus of victuals in their granary, hinting at a superiority in resources over the Troik. Greed seems afoot, as evidenced by Eopie theft and barter with Jod. Whether the Troik reciprocate in kind remains unclear, yet preparations for a raid and granary conflagration suggest a cycle of reprisal.
Heed well, Star Wars aficionados, for Skeleton Crew doth unveil a mesmerizing tale of conflict and intrigue on At Achrann. Streaming now on Disney+, each episode a thread in this grand tapestry, awaiting discovery.