The Bard’s melodrama, "The Bachelor," hath concluded its 28th season, leaving Bachelor Joey Graziadei swooning in the arms of Kelsey Anderson. But lo, what news of the upcoming season? Behold! Herein lies tidings of "The Bachelor" Season 29’s impending release, the chosen suitor, and other revelations.
Season 29’s Bachelor Hath Emerged
ABC hath unveiled the protagonist of "The Bachelor" Season 29, none other than Grant Ellis (as per Variety). Though his name may be unfamiliar to those who hath solely followed "The Bachelor," Ellis did indeed vie for Bachelorette Jenn Trann’s affections in the previous season of "The Bachelorette."
This gallant 30-year-old day trader, who once endeavored to woo Bachelorette Jenn, bid adieu to the competition in the sixth week. Now returned, ABC doth declare that Ellis "yearns to find a partner who shares his virtues of fidelity, mirth, and a profound appreciation for life’s simple joys."
Despite his trade in finance, Ellis’s profile doth suggest a penchant for revelry. Quoth the ABC’s proclamation, "When not ensconced in the breakneck realm of finance, he can be found cheering on the Lakers, mastering the art of bowling, or serenading at karaoke soirées."
The specter of erstwhile "The Bachelor" contestants may also grace the stage once more. Witness Amber James, who graced Season 19 ere her return in Season 20. An assembly of 25 to 32 contestants mayst be anticipated.
When Shall Season 29 Premiere?
"The Bachelor" Season 29 is slated for a 2025 release window, as decreed by ABC. Though a precise date hath not been revealed, tradition dictates a premiere betwixt January and March 2025.
In preparation for the spectacle, filming is foreseen to commence in September. Alas, spoilers may be scarce, for many a reality show requires participants to abstain from social media or any mention of the show.
The Duration of "The Bachelor" Season 29
Season 29 shall unfold across 11 or 12 episodes, most of which shall span a single hour. Historically, the premiere and finale episodes boast extended runtimes. The penultimate episode shall be the Women Tell All segment, delving into the lives of the contestants. The grand finale shall comprise a double feature, revealing the Bachelor’s choice and the aftermath in the "After the Rose" segment.
Wherefore Can Ye Watch "The Bachelor" Season 29?
"The Bachelor" Season 29 shalt grace ABC’s hallowed airwaves, with episodes available on Hulu the following day. Though the release schedule remains unconfirmed, Monday evenings art typically when episodes shalt air.
Methinks thou canst witness "The Bachelor" hither.