Margot Robbie, the thespian luminary, hath graced the silver screen with her presence in a myriad of esteemed films. The epics “The Wolf of Wall Street” and “Barbie” doth spring forth from the mind, showcasing but a fragment of her diverse talents. Verily, she hath donned the mantle of Harley Quinn in “Suicide Squad” with unparalleled skill. Yet, even the most seasoned actors are not immune to the occasional misstep, and “Babylon” stands as a testament to such a truth.
In the year of our Lord 2022, “Babylon” made its debut, sparking a chasm of discord among critics. While a scant few praised its merits, the Rotten Tomatoes approval rating languished at a meager 57%. During a sojourn upon the “Talking Pictures” podcast, Robbie defended the honor of “Babylon,” questioning the bewilderment surrounding its lukewarm reception. Might it be, she pondered, that this film shall, in two decades hence, be heralded as a hidden gem, much like the acclaimed “Shawshank Redemption” of yore?
Nevertheless, fans swiftly rebuffed Robbie’s defense, taking to the ethereal realm of social media to articulate their disdain for “Babylon.” To them, the film is a tapestry of inauthenticity, opulence, and perhaps an excess of self-indulgence and superficial veneer.
As with all contentious works of art, “Babylon” boasts defenders amidst its detractors. These loyal adherents acknowledge the film’s imperfections, yet extol its audacity and chaotic allure. Indeed, within its tapestry, there are threads of brilliance to be beheld.
Directed by the esteemed Damien Chazelle, known for the opus “La La Land,” “Babylon” diverges into a realm where splendor and spectacle reign supreme, eclipsing the narrative and character developments that imbued its predecessor with depth and authenticity. Is this a mere oversight, or a deliberate departure into uncharted waters of visual splendor?
Much akin to Robbie’s prognostication, supporters of “Babylon” foresee a future where this enigmatic film shall once again emerge into the spotlight, revered as a cult classic for generations to come. As time unfurls its mystery, only then shall the true legacy of “Babylon” be unfurled in all its glory.