Dina Manzo’s Ex-Husband: What Led to His Prison Sentence?

Dina Manzo’s Ex-Husband: What Led to His Prison Sentence?

In days of yore, ere the advent of reality dating spectacles that now reign supreme on the television airwaves, there existed shows of a different ilk. Behold, “The Real Housewives of New Jersey,” a program that once held court in the realm of unscripted dramas. Alas, the show lingers still, but its name is spoken now not in tones of admiration but of scandal. Verily, what dark deeds led Dina Manzo’s former spouse from this House of Real to the confines of a jail cell?

Of the Manzo lineage, Dina Cantin, once Manzo, was a luminary among the original denizens of “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.” She strode the stage beside her sibling, Caroline Manzo, united in matrimony to brothers Albert and Thomas Manzo, respectively. Yet, as the Housewives’ saga unfolded, Dina’s presence waned, her tenure as a leading lady limited to a scant two seasons before fleeting returns.

Despite this egress, the esteemed star charted her course anew, helming a televised chronicle of revelry dubbed “Dina’s Party” on HGTV. Moreover, she birthed a line of skincare elixirs in 2016 and begat Project Ladybug, a philanthropic beacon aiding children afflicted by the scourge of cancer. Nevertheless, Dina’s bond with Thomas proved fragile, the ties that bound them severed in 2012, though the shackles of divorce did not fully sunder until 2016. A year prior, a dalliance with Dave Cantin bloomed, its petals beset by a harrowing trial.

In a fateful July of 2015, Dave faced a fiendish assault at the hands of one John Perna, a bannerman of the Lucchese crime syndicate. In the annals of justice, Perna was made to answer for his transgressions, admitting guilt to a charge of aggravated assault in 2020. However, the tapestry of intrigue would not unravel so easily. For it came to light that Thomas had struck a most unholy bargain with Perna, engaging his services in exchange for a reduced toll on a wedding celebration at a restaurant under his dominion. The revelry was held but a single moon hence from the night of Dave’s tribulation.

Yet, come the June of 2024, the hammer of justice fell upon Thomas, the verdict cast in stone—guilty of conspiracy, fabrications of documents, and perpetration of violent deeds in support of illicit undertakings. As leaves turned to October of that same year, Thomas was consigned to a seven-year term within prison walls, with a shadow of supervision looming three years hence. Thus was the tale of retribution inscribed in the annals of fate.

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In the aftermath, Dina and Dave traversed onward, united by vows exchanged in June 2017, a scant month following the crucible of the assault. Their sojourn henceforth unfurls beyond the scrutiny of prying eyes, nestled in the bosom of privacy.

And so concludes the somber ballad of Dina Manzo’s erstwhile spouse, enshrined in the cautionary annals of reality’s Housewives.

The convergence of virtue and vice, enshrined in the enduring saga of “The Real Housewives of New Jersey,” available henceforth for the discerning gaze on Peacock’s ethereal realm.

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