Joker will have his greatest fear exposed in Knight Terrors, DC's horror event 1

Joker will have his greatest fear exposed in Knight Terrors, DC’s horror event

Is the Joker afraid of something? DC is about to reveal the big bad’s biggest nightmare in the studio’s next horror event, the Knight Terrors. The event was originally announced in February 2023; especially aimed at audiences who like horror, it will be released in July 2023.

Joker in Knight Terrors
Image: Reproduction/DC

Writers Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter were responsible for creating the event’s opening one-shot, Knight Terrors: First Blood #1, which will feature the death of one of Batman’s first enemies, Superman and Wonder Woman, in the Hall of Fame. Justice.

The heroes will come together to investigate the enemy’s death, and from then on things will start to get out of control. Insomnia, the new villain who will be brought into the book, will use her deadly powers to plunge the entire DC Universe into darkness while heroes and villains must face their worst nightmares.

Joker faces his biggest nightmare in Knight Terrors

Joker poster Knight TerrorsJoker poster Knight Terrors
Image: Reproduction/DC Legacy

In addition to the heroes, the collection will also bring some people’s worst nightmares villains that marked eras and generations in the DC Universe. The publisher announced that the Knight Terrors series of titles will be released in two editions, one dedicated especially to heroes and the other starring some of the deadliest villains in the DC universe.

And of course the beloved Clown Prince of Crime could not be left out of this edition, Knight Terrors: The Joker #1, written by Matthew Rosenberg, which will be released on July 4, 2023.

The book features illustrations by artist Stefano Raffaele and will tell the story of the beloved Joker Clown facing his greatest and most recent fear, working in an office and having a normal life.

The special edition also features unique and individual covers of the artists Mattina, Simone Bianchi, Alan Quah, Ryan Brown and Dustin Nguyen.

DC presented a brief summary showing a few issues that Joker will have to deal with in his daily life, despite being small, the text has already left the villain’s fans excited to see what awaits them. Check out:

“When you’re the Clown Prince of Crime, what kind of nightmares do you have? Working in an office from nine to five! How will Joker handle meetings that could have been emails?! Why did management cancel bring your child to work day?! Who wants to chat at the coffee machine?! What will Alexis choose for lunch?! And who is the masked madman terrorizing Gotham at night?!”

Office JokerOffice Joker
Image: Reproduction/DC Legacy

Some people may even find it strange that the largest fear of the Joker is being a simple guy with a monotonous job, but, for those who read “The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #7”, the information is nothing new.

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It turns out that, during a fight in the book, between the villain and Manhunter, he expresses a similar feeling to what will be portrayed in the next book, when he says “My worst nightmare is being boring”.

For ordinary people, working in an office is not all bad, but when you are the Joker, known as an agent of chaos, becoming a monotonous office worker must be terribly scary.