Apple Music: Don't root your Android smartphone if you plan to use the app 1

Apple Music: Don’t root your Android smartphone if you plan to use the app

Apple Music 3 months free

It is difficult to list all the advantages of rooting Android. In addition to allowing the removal of a large number of bloatware from the operating system, rooting also provides full control over customization of the interface, installation of third-party applications and even modded versions of Android. In short, rooting your Android smartphone can be very advantageous and has become much easier over the years, but you should still expect some backlash.

The most well-known, because undoubtedly the most annoying, is the loss of compatibility with certain applications. In fact, many developers refuse to allow their apps to run on a rooted version of Android. This is especially true for Netflix and Snapchat, and the list grows every day. The latest is none other than Apple Music, which has decided to directly attack users who are fans of this technique.

Apple Music no longer works on rooted Android smartphones

That’s why the latest beta version of the app doesn’t beat around the bush to explain the blocking to users. If you launch it from a rooted Android smartphone, you will be greeted with a message stating that Apple Music is running. “Only available on non-rooted devices”. If you are stubborn and try to restart the application, the result will not be much better. In fact, Apple Music will then crash repeatedly, thus completely blocking access to its catalog.

In other words, you’ll need to switch to a non-rooted Android smartphone if you want to continue using Apple Music. Another solution is to unroot your current smartphone. Finally, you can also be cunning. In fact, you can use MagiskHiden to make Apple Music and other root-blocked apps believe that your smartphone is not rooted. If you do not want to miss out on the benefits of the application, this is undoubtedly the best alternative.

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