One Piece Manga May 2024 Schedule: Golden Week Breaks and Oda Hiatuses

One Piece Manga May 2024 Schedule: Golden Week Breaks and Oda Hiatuses

In the realm of the Egghead saga, the pinnacle approaches with an air of grandeur, as the Five Elders descend upon the avant-garde island to thwart Dr. Vegapunk’s nefarious broadcast. Yet, alas, a shadow looms over this climactic moment – a shadow cast by the recent tribulations that have beset us. The maestro, Oda, has decreed a respite of three weeks, a necessary reprieve for his well-being, but a torment for his devoted followers. Regrettably, news has surfaced that the One Piece manga shall endure several hiatuses in the month of May 2024.

‘Tis the season of golden reverie in the land of the rising sun, where the release of chapter 1114 coincides with the fabled Golden Week holiday of WSJ in Japan. Therefore, this week shall bear no fruit for eager readers, as chapter 1114 shall make its grand entrance on May 12, 2024.

But lo! Another shadow looms on the horizon, for after the unveiling of chapter 1114, a customary intermission awaits. Thus, the arrival of One Piece Chapter 1115 shall be delayed until May 26, 2024, following this mandatory respite.

Behold, mortals, the fateful edict has been passed – this is the ordained schedule of the One Piece manga for the month of May. The Golden Week festivity descends upon us just after the arduous three-week interlude endured by the manga. Yet, amidst the tempest, a silver lining emerges – we draw nigh unto revelation, as the enigmatic missive of Dr. Vegapunk beckons, and the gallant crew of Luffy sets sail from the confines of Egghead Island. Therefore, let us engage in speculation and discourse, dear readers, and share your insights and inquiries regarding chapter 1114 in the hallowed halls of commentary.

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