MatchStick: Open-source anti-Chromecast HDMI switch in Firefox for $25! 1

MatchStick: Open-source anti-Chromecast HDMI switch in Firefox for $25!

A new Kickstarter project might catch your attention, it’s the HDMI MatchStick. The first instinct when it comes to “HDMI switch” is undoubtedly to think of Google Chromecast. It is true that the Mountain View company has done everything possible to democratize the accessory that allows you to stream stationary or video content on a large TV screen. But What can MatchStick rely on? To persuade the crowd?

Presented on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter, the MatchStick HDMI switch has several interesting features for the user. Therefore, it is based on Firefox OS, which is Mozilla’s system. streaming content from a smartphone (or a computer) on the TV screen. Then it’s up to you to remotely control the items sent this way. This is the same basic principle that will be used by Microsoft’s Wireless Display Adapter.

Nothing but classic so far, but the good news is coming. The software and hardware parts are open source. This means that not only is the HDMI switch plan available, but we can already do it. expect to have proprietary operating systems (special software for experts) on the accessory. This particular point is not possible via a Chromecast, which currently prohibits this action.

Match stick HDMI key

Alongside this aspect, the team explains that MatchStick is already compatible with many apps that manage Chromecast. This requires them to use the binary format. If that’s not the case, if we’re to believe the developers, it’s necessary to go through a fairly quick process of recompiling the refractory software. If the facts were true, we could have had the best of both worlds. Contributions from the open source world as well as the proprietary Chromecast ecosystem.

Finally, keep in mind that the price to be released in early 2015 will be $25 (currently $23, including shipping to France). Kickstarter campaign is already a huge success as the project was already funded with $100,000 collected online after just one day. And to think that there are still 29 days of campaign.

MatchStick HDMI key


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