Google Home Mini revealed in photos for just $49 1

Google Home Mini revealed in photos for just $49

While photos and prices of the Google Pixel 2 and Google Pixel XL 2 have been circulating, other Big G products have also been introduced beforehand. Among these leaked devices is the Google Home Mini, a miniature connected speaker priced at just $49. Obviously, this new device is designed to compete with the Amazon Echo Dot, also priced at $49, a miniature version of the Amazon Echo.

The Google Home Mini itself is a miniature version of Google Home, Google’s connected speaker that was recently offered in France for 149 euros (instead of $129 in the US). This small pebble-shaped device is covered with a fabric grille at the top and a plastic base at the bottom. In short, the design is a reversal of the current model. Like the Google Home, the Google Home Mini will be available in three different colors: Charcoal, Coral and Chalk/Grey.

Google Home Mini: a tough competitor for the Amazon Echo Dot

The leaked images also show four white LEDs arranged in a row in the middle of the speaker. These diodes are likely to change color when the device is activated. On the other hand, it is unknown whether the surface will be tactile like the original Google Home. Unlike wireless speakers marketed by competitors for a few months, the Google Home mini needs to be connected to a power outlet via a cable.

We would like to remind you that Google Home works with Google Assistant, Google’s voice assistant that can also be used on Android devices. Unlike Amazon Alexa, this assistant has the great advantage of speaking the French language. Also, like Google Home, the Google Home Mini will likely be marketed in France, unlike Amazon Echo products. Without any competition, this inexpensive device can therefore be met with great success in France.

Logically, the Google Home mini will be available on October 4 at the same time as the Google Pixel 2 and Google Pixel XL 2. This device was introduced by the same source as the firm’s next two flagships, as well as the new Google Pixelbook Chromebook and a new Google Daydream virtual reality headset.

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