Google Home: "hey googoo", this grandma trying to use it is hilarious! 1

Google Home: “hey googoo”, this grandma trying to use it is hilarious!

google home and it’s fascinating grandmother You don’t seem made for each other! As a matter of fact, this 85-year-old lady cannot use Google’s miniature speaker despite all her efforts. And if he seems surprised by the lack of a button on the Google Home Mini, the speaker is completely sealed”high school”!

Google Home is a mystery to this grandma!

Wednesday, December 27, Ben Actis She posted a funny video of her grandmother on her YouTube channel. In this we see the woman trying to use the Google Home we tested. His first instinct is to press the speaker, a gesture he repeats throughout the video. However, Google Home Mini is activated by voice commands Hello Google and OK Google. So when grandma calls pregnant go Gonot responding!

googoo, what is it raining today?

The grandmother first asks the pregnant woman a simple but poorly worded question. Beyond the laughter, we can imagine that the lady wasn’t entirely comfortable in front of the enclosure. But when the Google Home Mini responds Yes, the grandmother is surprised to hear a female voice. And, visibly surprised, he tries to convey to the pregnant woman his pleasure in meeting her! Later, after his parents explained their use to him Hello Google and OK Googleits members offer to ask the weather forecast for the next day.

How is the weather… she wants to know what the weather will be like… tomorrow!

The Google Home Mini then details the weather for the next day. And grandma looks totally scared! Indeed, the speaker responds to this by starting with: Tomorrow at Flager Beach. What seems clear to us for this lady who discovered that she “knows” where the device is, isn’t necessarily so. Later, she suddenly stands up and admits she was scared. And all this is a mystery to him. Later, she tries to relax more and ask the Google Home Mini to play an Italian song for her. Piedmontina bella. But the enclosure doesn’t understand the request and gives him the weather in London!

This short video reminds us that despite ever-increasing accessibility efforts such as voice commands, older people may still have difficulties using these devices.

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