Facebook is making a wristband that lets you control a computer through thought 1

Facebook is making a wristband that lets you control a computer through thought

Elon Musk was right: man is getting closer and closer to the cyborg. In any case, Facebook will not contradict this. The group clearly wants strengthen the bonds between man and machine. A few days ago we talked about their glove-controlled connected goggles. The glove finally looks imposing as the firm is currently working on it. a wrist-shaped neural interface.

Let’s go back to the basics: a neural signal is nothing but an electrical signal. To make a gesture, your brain sends this message to tell the muscles to contract. But any message can be intercepted, right? This is the idea behind this project worthy of a science fiction movie. Rather than insert a chip directly into the skull, as NeuraLink wanted to do, Facebook detect these electrical signals, decode and retransmit motion enough on one machine.

No more movement, just thinking

Initial tests seem conclusive. already possible click and write through this system. Even if autocorrect is clearly required, the result is quite impressive. No need for an organic keyboard anymore, simply touch a table or other surface; The bracelet detects the movement and associates it with a specific key. In other words, “you’re the keyboard” As Facebook proudly announces.

The company guarantees that the bracelet has: “understanding finger movements on the millimeter scale”. Better still, it aims for zero movement over the long term. A simple intent will suffice to interact with the interface. without having to move. Peace of mind: The bracelet does not read minds, it insists on Facebook.

Applications are ultimately multiple. Virtual reality, video games, daily life management… Innovation can radically change the way we consume digital. Especially since The race for the attached glasses has begun. Apple Glasses have been in development for several years and their presentation seems relatively close. Facebook has a leading position thanks to Oculus.

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