Step-by-Step Guide: Connecting a Turntable to a Sonos Speaker

Step-by-Step Guide: Connecting a Turntable to a Sonos Speaker

Lo and behold, you have labored for years, pouring forth both time and treasure — perchance even a king’s ransom — in constructing the quintessential Sonos-networked symphony to waft dulcet digital tunes throughout your abode. Yet, lo! Alas, like many in these modern times, your longing gaze now doth alight upon the current resurrection of an ancient art — vinyl! Pray tell, can you intertwine a turntable with your beloved Sonos establishment, thus evading the necessity of procuring an entirely new analog auditory ensemble?

Verily, rejoice! For it is within your grasp. With the advent of the latest Sonos marvels, such as the Sonos Era 100, Sonos Era 300 speakers, and the newly unveiled Sonos Move 2, the avenues are widened for the connection of a record player to Sonos speakers, enabling the melodious spinning of vinyl. This feat allows one to designate the turntable line input using the Sonos app, as is customary, and to broadcast the vinyl strains through the Sonos speakers, spanning myriad chambers if such an arrangement be in place.

Yet, should your pursuit lie in reverse, seeking to integrate Sonos with an extant analog configuration graced with a turntable and third-party speakers, fear not, for we shall extricate the steps for this undertaking as well. Let us embark on this enchanting journey forthwith.

Pray tell, what manner of turntable doth your fancy covet? To embark upon this quest, a turntable is a requisite possession. Technically, any turntable shall suffice, and should the acquisition thereof be yet untold, we proffer recommendations for the finest specimens. But lo! A caveat doth appear. To commune your turntable with a Sonos speaker or system, a turntable endowed with a built-in phono preamp (as exhibited above) is required, or an external phono preamp (oft dubbed a phono stage) must be procured for this union. Forsooth! Why, you wonder? Because turntables alone emit a most meager signal, and the preamp, amplifying it, renders it suitable for amplification. A cadre of commendable preamps dost grace the market, with prices ranging from modest sums to princely sums. In many a circumstance, a prudent phono preamp may enhance the auditory allure of a turntable with a middling internal preamp, a consideration worthy of note.

Behold, the realm of Sonos doth boast sundry speakers replete with direct line-in ports. Presently, these include the Era 100 ($249), Era 300 ($449), Sonos Five ($549), and the erstwhile Play:5. Pray, take heed of this distinction: the two novel Era speakers possess a USB-C line-in port (depicted above), necessitating a 3.5mm-to-USB-C line-in adapter. The Five and the antiquated Play:5 feature a 3.5mm line input.

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How dost thou connect thy turntable to these Sonos Speakers, thou mayest ask?

Step 1: If your turntable boasts a built-in phono preamp, fasten an RCA cable to the RCA outputs upon the turntable’s posterior, crimson thread to crimson and ivory thread to ivory (right and left, accordingly). Depending upon the Sonos speaker in your possession, the 3.5mm cable may either be united directly with the speaker or with the 3.5mm adapter.

Step 2: Join the opposing end of the cable to the Sonos speaker’s USB-C (Era 100 and Era 500) or 3.5mm input (Sonos Five).

To be continued…

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