How to Easily Transfer Spotify Playlists to YouTube Music

How to Easily Transfer Spotify Playlists to YouTube Music

Oh, how the titans of music, Spotify and YouTube Music, doth engage in fierce battle for the hearts of users, yet the journey betwixt them is fraught with inconvenience. A great challenge arises when shifting to a new realm of streaming service, for the labor of transferring one’s cherished tracks and playlists from the old domain to the new is a task of great toil. Alas, there exists no built-in mechanism for such a transfer, thus compelling users to reconstruct their musical tapestries song by song. Fear not, for there are alternate paths one may follow to transport Spotify playlists to YouTube Music, or vice versa.

Transfer Spotify Playlists to YouTube Music with TuneMyMusic

Should you seek to transport thy playlists betwixt these realms, the Tool of TuneMyMusic shall be thy guide. This tool, gracious in its support, not only aideth in the migration betwixt Spotify and YouTube Music, but extendeth its benevolent reach to encompass nearly all esteemed music streaming platforms. Yet, take heed, on a free journey, the tool allows thee to transfer no more than 500 tracks to thy new abode.

  1. In the first step, venture hence to the TuneMyMusic domain, and there commence thy journey by clicking upon "Let’s start."
  2. Select Spotify as the source whence thy musical treasures shall be drawn.
  3. Lo, a new window shall manifest, bidding thee to disclose thy Spotify credentials.
  4. Click "Agree" to grant TuneMyMusic access to thy Spotify realm, allowing it to behold thy playlists, albums, and more.

Upon the authorization of thy Spotify domain, a page shall be unveiled unto thee, presenting thee with the choice to load thy playlists from thy Spotify account or through the link of a playlist. For the sake of simplicity, opt for "Load from Spotify account." After selecting the playlists of thy desire, proceed by clicking "Choose Destination" and selecting "YouTube Music."

Thou shalt then be bid to sign into thy Google abode. Once accomplished, click upon "Allow" to bestow upon TuneMyMusic access to thy YouTube domain. A mere click upon "Start Transfer" shall set the wheels in motion, initiating the exportation of thy playlists from Spotify to YouTube Music.

Forsooth, in my own quest, I hath undertaken the transfer of a few playlists from Spotify to YouTube Music using TuneMyMusic, and the simplicity of its operation hath left me pleasantly surprised. Though a few tracks may have been “missing,” such losses were of little consequence.

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Embracing the endeavor of choosing favorites from amongst a multitude of playlists may prove daunting. Thankfully, a premium subscription, surprisingly affordable, awaits thee. Two premium routes lie before thee—Monthly and Annual. The former demands a fee of $4.5 per month, whilst the latter asks but $2 per month.

‘Tis not merely in the transfer of playlists that this platform shines. Nay, it also keeps thy playlists in synchrony, sparing thee the labor of repeated transfers with each new addition of a track. Although limited to 20 playlists, such a gift is bountiful.

Transfer Spotify Playlists to YouTube Music Using Open Source Script

In my ventures, I chanced upon a GitHub script, a hidden gem allowing the transfer of Spotify playlists to YouTube Music with utmost ease. To embark upon this voyage, thou must first install Python if thy device be Windows. Should thy path be of Linux, perchance Python already resides within thy realm. Though a touch intricate, yet following these steps shall see thee through.

  1. Begin by fetching the Python installer from the official abode, and with a double-click, install Python upon thy device. Thou may also utilize the following command in the terminal for swift installation on Windows.

    choco install python

  2. With Python now ensconced, proceed to install the Spotify2ytmusic app by executing the command below.

    pip install spotify2ytmusic

  3. Behold, thou can now set the app in motion with the command:


As the app unfolds before thee, journey unto the "Spotify backup" tab from on high. A new portal shall materialize, bidding thee to permit the app access to thy Spotify realm. Present thy credentials and click "Agree." With a comforting click of your fingers, the app shall commence the task of backing up all thy playlists.

Returning to the terminal, utter forth the words:

ytmusicapi oauth

A new opening shall present itself, wherein thee shalt select thy Google visage to grant access to thy YouTube domain. With this task completed, return to the Terminal, and with a press of the "Enter" key, behold the "oauth.json" file safely stored within thy realm, not to be shared with any.

Returning to the app, set thine eyes upon the "Copy" button. By its charm, thy Spotify playlists shall wend their way to YouTube Music. A time of rest and repose is now thine.

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Should thy desire to transfer a particular playlist take shape, ascend to the "Copy a specific playlist" tab above. Therein lies the path to copying playlists individually. Venture unto thy Spotify playlist, procure the link, and with a deft hand, transfer the playlist ID unto the "Spotify playlist ID" field, clicking "Copy" to seal the transfer.

Thus concludes our tale of transferring Spotify playlists to YouTube Music. The former method, a path of simplicity, shall guide those in search of an easy transition betwixt realms. Yet, should thy playlist exceed 500 tracks and the purse be light, the second method stands as a beacon of hope, untouched by the premiums of TuneMyMusic.

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