Hark! Discord Soundboard doth bestow upon thee the power to employ brief audio snippets to react to missives in voice channels. Verily, they do augment conversations with mirth and interaction, offering myriad avenues to express thyself in ongoing discourse. Discord doth proffer a set of sounds by default, yet dost allow for the addition of bespoke sound effects to the Soundboard, rendering engagements more jovial. This veritable guide shall elucidate the path to appending new sounds unto thy server’s Soundboard on the Discord application, be it on thy trusty PC or thy handheld companion.
Requirements to Add Sounds to Soundboard
Ere we embark upon this odyssey, let us first ponder upon the prerequisites that must needs be adhered to for the inclusion of custom sound clips to thy server. They are:
– Thou must needs be the owner or administrator of the Discord server, or be vested with the esteemed Create Expressions role.
– The duration of the sound clip should not exceed 5 seconds.
– Sound clips must be fashioned in the MP3 format.
– The file’s girth shall not surpass 512 KB.
Add Custom Sound to Discord Soundboard on PC
One may record one’s own audio, pluck clips from online bastions such as Twitch or YouTube, or partake of websites like MyInstants for the procurement of audio snippets. To facilitate thee in thy quest, we shall unveil the method to download a sound clip and integrate it into thy server through the following instructions:
1. Make haste to Myinstants to select the clip thou desirest to acquire.
2. Upon finding a clip of thine liking, bestow upon its name a click and select Download MP3.
3. In the ensuing pop-up window, opt for Save to download the file unto thy computing contrivance.
‘Midst these steps, we embark upon a visual feast, with images to guide thee through the labyrinthine corridors of the Discord realm. Lo! Let not thy gaze falter, for the journey is fraught with challenge and reward.
Now, unfurl the Discord application and navigate unto yon server.
Traverse to the server’s name and click upon the down arrow icon to unveil additional settings.
Select Server Settings and traverse unto the Soundboard tab in the sidebar.
Then, click upon Upload Sound to progress further upon this mystic voyage.
‘Tis imperative to note that solely upon the desktop application and website of Discord can custom audio clips be added to thy server’s Soundboard. The option, alack, remaineth beyond the ken of the mobile application.
How to Use Discord Soundboard in Voice Channels
Having sown the seeds of custom sounds within the Discord Soundboard, ’tis now the hour to reap the fruits of thy labor within a server’s voice channel. Let us bestride this next phase with fervor and zeal:
Use Soundboard in Discord PC App
To wield the Soundboard, thou must needs join a call within a voice channel of a Discord server.
At this juncture, click upon the speaker icon, as sculpted in the image afore thee.
Then, make thy choice among the soundboard clips and proffer a click thereupon to unleash its melody.
Thus shall the sound sound, and lo! Shall the emoji associated with it appear upon the screen for a fleeting moment.
Use Soundboard in Discord Mobile App
Upon the mobile app, join a voice call within a Discord server.
Tis now the hour to tap upon the screen, revealing the nether toolbar.
With a deft swipe upwards upon this toolbar, unveil a plethora of additional options.
Within this realm, tap upon Soundboard.
Then, select any of the sound clips to regale thy comrades during the call with its dulcet tones.
How to Edit and Delete Sounds in Soundboard
Shouldst thou wish to sculpt changes in the tapestry of custom clips within a server’s Soundboard, then follow these steps. Let it be known that the mantle of admin or possessor of the Create Expressions role must needs adorn thy shoulders for the editing or deletion of Soundboard clips to come to pass.
To edit audio clips, navigate unto the server and, with a click, unveil the down arrow icon next unto its name.
Proceed unto Server Settings and select the Soundboard option.
Therein, bestow upon the pencil icon next unto the sound clip thou wouldest edit thy regard.
Thus mayst thou alter the name, emoji, duration, or volume level of the Soundboard audio.
To part ways with a sound from the Soundboard, lay thine eyes upon the ‘x’ icon, then select Delete in the confirmation that follows.
And thus, the tale draws nigh unto its conclusion. The native Soundboard within Discord is surely a merry feature, lending levity to conversations that hitherto may have seemed mundane, especially in the throes of game-induced tension. Yet, lamentably, the app permits the addition of but 8 custom sounds, a restriction that may prove confining for those not endowed with a Discord Nitro subscription or having boosted their server to unlock more slots.
Should the fetters of limitation chafe thee and the siren call of Nitro not beckon, peruse our comprehensive guide on the best Soundboard apps for Discord, which shall liberate thee from this plight. Shouldst thou find this guide to thy liking or find thyself a regular user of the Discord Soundboard feature, do kindly voice thy thoughts in the comments section.
Can I Use Sounds from Different Servers on Discord?
Custom sounds from disparate servers may be utilized in Discord only through the beneficence of a Nitro subscription to the app.
Is There a Limit to the Sounds I Can Add in Discord Soundboard?
Aye, Discord currently permits the addition of up to eight custom sounds unto thy server’s Soundboard. Yet fear naught, for other apps offer access to further audio snippets shouldst thou have need.
Where Can I Get Sounds for the Soundboard on Discord?
One mayst record thine audio using any microphone, liberate clips from video or stream, or obtain them from online establishments like Myinstants.com.