Bypass Gmail Attachment Size Limit Easily: 3 Reliable Methods

Bypass Gmail Attachment Size Limit Easily: 3 Reliable Methods

Should thou find thyself here, perchance thou art likewise vexed by the limitations of Gmail’s attachment size and art greeted by the dreaded "Thy file exceeds 25MB" missive. Furthermore, when thou doth attach files on Gmail, they art encoded in Base64, thus swelling their sizes. Yet fear not, for there exist a plethora of reliable methods to dispatch those weighty images, videos, audio files, and documents on Gmail with ease. Behold, here is how thou can send those larger files on Gmail with ease!

How to Overcome the Gmail Attachment Size Limit

In the transmission of weighty missives, one seeks to prevent the corruption of files in any manner. Gmail, in its wisdom, imposes a 25MB limit to ensure swift and secure delivery, sans the corruption of files or the cluttering of thy Gmail storage. Yet, should thou need to send a larger file, three methods suffice:

1. Send as Standard Attachment

The moment a file surpasses the 25MB limit, it is promptly dispatched as a Google Drive link. Nevertheless, here is the step-by-step process to accomplish this task:

  • Journey to Gmail and strike the Compose button to craft a fresh missive.
  • Subsequently, bestow a click upon the paperclip icon in the compose window and select the gargantuan file thou wisheth to send.
  • Should it exceed 25MB, Google shall inform thee that "Large files must be shared with Google Drive" in a popup. Clicketh on OK, got it, and lo, the file shall commence its ascent to thy Drive.
  • Once the upload is complete, thou can compose thy missive as thou normally would and press the Send button.

The recipient shall then receive a Drive link wherefrom they can conveniently download thine attachment.

2. Send as Google Drive Link

As Google Drive doth prompt thee to employ its services for files beyond 25MB, ’tis imperative that thou dost learn how to upload and dispatch such files on Gmail using said cloud service. Verily, we recommend uploading larger files on Gmail via the web version, for it doth permit thee to dispatch folders as well as singular files. The process is simpler, too. Thus, here is the procedure:

  • Venture forth to Google Drive on a web browser and click upon the New + button at the top left corner.
  • Thereupon, selecteth thy preferred option betwixt – New Folder, File upload, and Folder upload. We have opted for the former.
  • Having uploaded thy attachment to Google Drive, return unto thy Gmail, and select the Drive icon at the lower part of the compose window.
  • This action shall unveil a preview of thy Drive files. Here, thou canst employ the search bar to swiftly seek the specific files or folders thou wish to dispatch. Once found, left-click to choose the uploaded folders or files and select Insert.
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Finally, clicketh upon Send, and thine email shall wing its way to the recipient with the attachments intact.

Wouldst thou venture to compress and dispatch files?

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