Office Lens: Microsoft turns your Android smartphone into a portable scanner 1

Office Lens: Microsoft turns your Android smartphone into a portable scanner

Certainly, Microsoft never stops offering its services on Android devices. The last app is Office Lens. If you’ve never used Windows Phone, this app means absolutely nothing to you. Actually, it is a simple browser application.

Apps for scanning documents with your smartphone’s camera, that’s not what’s missing from the Play Store. But today Microsoft makes its in-house browser Office Lens official on Android and iOS. Until now, the app was only available on Windows Phone smartphones (yes, that makes sense).

The authenticity of Office Lens is its complement to the Office suite.. Oftentimes scanner applications allow you to reveal a snapshot in PDF or JPG format, such as CamScanner.

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With Office Lens it is possible to: scan a document and import it into one of the Office suite software. The most impressive thing is when you open your scanned document in Word. The application can recognize the characters and edit the document in question.

As you can imagine, such an application aroused our curiosity and we could not resist the pleasure of testing it. And really, this app is fascinating. You can do almost anything with it.

microsoft office lens scanner review

The most surprising thing is his talent. copy a scan into a Word document and then edit. Well, we are not saying that you will have a perfect document, of course you will need to make some changes, but everything is quite effective. It is obvious that the mobile application must be in working condition in order to benefit from this sharing to Microsoft Word.

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Another great feature is Complementarity with OneNote. Do your scan, choose to export to OneNote and your note is ready. There is nothing else to do. It is very practical for those who work in mobility and those who need to manage continuous administration.

Obviously, not everyone will use it on a daily basis, but it’s a really nice tool to increase productivity. So, if you want to test Office Lens yourself, you can download the preview version here. You will need to be a tester before downloading the app.

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As always, share your impressions, feelings, what bothers you, what you like, etc. feel free to leave it to us. We liked it, how about you?

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