Google Maps will soon translate names of places and addresses abroad 1

Google Maps will soon translate names of places and addresses abroad

Google has been working to improve Google Translate for years. The service has made significant progress, such as sign language support. The Mountain View firm relies on its equipment. So much so that the company decided to associate it with the famous mapping application Google Maps.

That’s why Google announced the integration of Google Translate into Google Maps on November 13, 2019 and introduced a brand new feature. Thanks to the contribution of Google Trad (for friends), the app will now be able to translate and pronounce your destination’s name and address for you. It is very practical, especially when you travel to a country where you do not have a command of the language.. Just click on the little speaker icon and let the app speak for you. Therefore, you can easily ask a stranger for directions and avoid bad pronunciation and a pointless argument.

Also to be read : Google Translate – new update, 13 new languages ​​translated by smartphone photo sensor

Also, Google has considered adding a direct link to the Google Translate app if your conversation gets too long and you need help. It turns out that activating Google Translate in Maps is based on the language your smartphone is using. If you are French and looking for an address in Tokyo, the speaker icon will appear. Conversely, if you look at a map of a French region, you will not have access to the functionality.

It has already been seen in action in other company products such as Google Translate, Google Lens or Google Assistant. This relationship between Maps and Translate brings Google closer to its goal of creating an ecosystem of cohesive and interconnected apps.

Google Translate support will be available on iOS and Android before the end of November 2019, with a total of 50 compatible languages. Google says other languages ​​should come later.

Source : TechCrunch

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