Today Android has the largest share of users worldwide. And Facebook understood that. Android device owners are arguably the primary targets for the company, which aims to convince more and more users every day: represents half of the social network’s billions of users.
The problem is that Android is unfortunately not the easiest operating system for developers to work with because there is a wide variety of devices running on this OS, with completely different features and also different OS versions.
While the social network offers the same version of its application to all users, depending on the version of the operating system, Facebook decided to implement an app optimized for every Android device by specs: number of cores, RAM and clock frequency. Thus, Facebook will be able to offer an application optimized for every Android device.
The version of the operating system is no longer the same as before, the capabilities of the device will be taken into account. Facebook thus creates an age class device. Thus, a smartphone released in 2012 with a newer version of Android may be listed in the 2010 age class due to its technical characteristics.
aimOptimize the use of the Facebook app on all devices. On some smartphones with entry-level specifications, playing multimedia content can be quite complex, even if the Android versions are new. Facebook is changing the game.
Not all Android users have a high-end smartphone with 4G connectivity and a cutting-edge processor. Facebook understands this and is therefore trying to optimize its content for everyone.
A smart strategy when you know it developing countries are increasingly equipped with smartphonesand mostly devices running Android. To reach them, Facebook needs to provide an optimal experience. The social network has found the solution to achieve this.