FaceApp is already stale: here's AI Portraits, the AI ​​that turns your photos into works of art 1

FaceApp is already stale: here’s AI Portraits, the AI ​​that turns your photos into works of art

If you haven’t spent the last few days deep in a cave in the Himalayas, you certainly haven’t missed the buzz of the FaceApp app and the aging filter that adds 20, 30, 40 years to your age. How will you look in the future? If you are one of those who use this famous toughness filter despite what is said on it. Face Application and its vague terms about misuse of personal data, another application may rekindle your curiosity.

After FaceApp, here is the artificial intelligence that turns your photos into classic art paintings

The tool is called AI Portraits, and unlike FaceApp, it’s not a mobile app but a web app that can be accessed through a website. That’s why you won’t find it in the Play Store or App Store. AI Portraits are the result of researchers’ work. MIT-IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence Lab. The site uses an artificial intelligence trained on more than 45,000 classic portraits to render your face with fake oil paint, watercolor and even ink.

Whatever your artistic inclinations, the database includes styles from some of history’s greatest painters and painters, more precisely from the beginning of the Renaissance to contemporary art: Rembrandt, Titian, and even Van Gogh. AI-generated portraits are unique and start from a simple photo of you.

Unlike most apps that convert existing photos using a technique called “style transfer”, Ai Portraits’ algorithm builds your representation from scratch. ” Colors often change a lot during style transfer, but the properties of the photo do not. AI Portraits Ars creates new shapes beyond simply changing the style of an existing photo “Can we read it on the site?

Also read : FaceApp PRO, this fake free app is luring hundreds of thousands of Internet users

As for the privacy issue that naturally arose after the FaceApp discussion, Ai Portrait makes things clear. If photos pass through their servers during processing, the site claims to automatically delete them and not use them for any ulterior purpose.

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