Android collects almost 10x more personal data than iOS, study finds 1

Android collects almost 10x more personal data than iOS, study finds

“An Android smartphone with Chrome in the background sends its location data to Google 340 times in 24 hours, or about 14 times per hour” Douglas C. Schmidt, professor of computer science at Vanderbilt University, explains: a study Published by Digital Content Next.

Android transmits your location to Google 14 times per hour, providing a study

According to research, even data about your location is representative 35% of information sent to Google by your Android smartphone. Recently, Google agreed to collect data about your location even if you have history disabled. This confession has triggered the discontent of users so much that there are currently many legal actions targeting the net giant.

“An idle Android smartphone running Chrome 50x more requests per hour to Google from an iOS device Emphasizes the researcher. The experiment was performed on an inactive smartphone. The amount of data collected on a used Android smartphone is growing rapidly. “Google may associate collected anonymous data with each user’s personal information” points to Douglas C. Schmidt, assuring him. “advertising technology” Used by Mountain View company.

With Chrome in the background, “While most of the data is collected by Google, none of its products are used” Adds the researcher. The internet giant would also try to collect as much data as possible. Safari users. Although Google tries to prevent this, it cannot collect. “no useful data unless you use one of their products”. What do you think about this new study? Surprised by the amount of data recovered by Google?

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