9 Things To Do Before Installing The Nexus Android 7.1.2 Update 1

9 Things To Do Before Installing The Nexus Android 7.1.2 Update

Before installing Google’s new Android 7.1.2 Nougat update, you’ll want to prepare your Nexus device. With that in mind, we want to outline a few steps you can take to ensure you and your Nexus phone or tablet have a smooth transition to Google’s new version of Android Nougat.

Earlier this year, Google released an Android 7.1.2 Developer Preview for select Nexus devices to test the OS before it’s generally available.

Earlier this week, the company kept its word and pulled the Android 7.1.2 Nougat update out of beta. The Android 7.1.2 update is now available for Pixel devices and Nexus smartphones and tablets around the world.

The Android 7.1.2 Nougat update is an impressive release. It offers new features and enhancements that make it a pretty significant upgrade from the previous version of Nougat, Android 7.1.1. Therefore, it is an attractive setup.

There is a chance that the Android 7.1.2 Nougat update will improve the performance on your device. There is also the possibility of causing problems. This is exactly why we recommend doing some preparatory work before installing Android 7.1.2 Nougat on your Nexus device.

In these slides, we outline some important steps you should take before installing the Android 7.1.2 Nougat update on your Nexus or Pixel device. These will come in handy if you are new to Android or just want to be safe with new software.

You can follow all or some of these steps. Either way, we think they’ll help you prepare for Google’s latest upgrade.

These are the steps we take every time Google releases a new Android update, and we usually get out of the release day unscathed. Take a look.

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