Hark! When thou dost tread the paths of ChatGPT, lo, thou art granted the power to share a link to thy ChatGPT conversations with denizens of the internet. And now, by the grace of Google, the selfsame feature hath been bestowed upon Google Bard. Amidst the myriad new features of Bard, one finds the wondrous ability to store and share recent Bard discourses. Verily, thou canst craft a public link and bestow it upon any soul to peruse the conversation. Should thy curiosity be piqued, peruse our tutorial on the art of sharing thy Google Bard chat.
Note: The steps for sharing Google Bard conversations on desktops and handheld devices, be they of Android or iOS lineage, doth remain akin.
Unveil the Google Bard chat which thou desir’st to share with other folk.
Thence, as thou dost descend below one of the responses, lay thy finger upon the "Share" button.
Elect "Share" from the menu that doth arise.
Upon doing so, thou shalt have the choice to share the whole chat or solely that particular prompt and response. In this guide, I hath opted for "Entire chat."
Proceed to scroll down and select "Create public link."
anon, a brief moment shall pass ere a pop-up doth reveal the link.
- yon canst now seize the link and impart it unto others.
Note: Bear in mind, if thy Google Bard chat doth contain images of thine own making, they shall be removed from the shared link.
- The conversation is now open for all to behold, even those who lack a Google account. Yet, heed this – the discourse on the shared link may not be continued. Its purpose is solely for observation.
With this knowledge on the art of crafting a public link to divulge thy Google Bard dialogues, shouldst thou seek Bard AI findings in Google Search, a guide awaits thee. Moreover, engage in our discourse on ChatGPT versus Google Bard to glean insights into their merits and demerits. Should queries regarding Google Bard assail thy mind, fear not to voice them in the comments below.