Replace Google Assistant with Gemini AI on Android Phone: Step-by-Step Guide

Replace Google Assistant with Gemini AI on Android Phone: Step-by-Step Guide

In the realm of Google, a new moniker hath been bestowed upon Bard, as Gemini emerges to claim its place among the stars. An app of AI wisdom, dedicated to the Android realm, heralded as “an important first step in building a true AI assistant.” Alas, for iOS denizens, Gemini doth reside within the Google app, yet cannot ascend to the throne of default assistant. Aye, fortune doth favor thee, Android faithful! If thou art of Android lineage, harken to the tale of how thou canst anoint Gemini as thy primary voice assistant!

## How to Make Gemini AI Thy Primary Voice Assistant

Should ye dwell outside the sacred lands where Gemini doth roam, thou shalt require a US Google account to partake of its wisdom. Follow our guide to alter thy Play Store country and unlock the gates to the realm of Gemini.

Without the US account, the visage of Gemini shall elude thee in the Play Store. But fear not, for if thou art within the US borders, thy stars are aligned. Thus, follow these steps to ordain Gemini as thy sovereign assistant:

### Install Gemini App

Journey to the Play Store, seek out Gemini, and tap upon the “Install” button, all whilst under the banner of the US Google account.

### Set up the Gemini App

Upon the maiden voyage into the Gemini AI app, a “Get started” button shall beckon thee from the depths of the screen. Tap upon it, and then in solemn accord, accept the terms and conditions by tapping “I agree.”

Gemini AI shall supplant thy Google Assistant with but a simple ritual. Now, the incantations to summon it, be it by pressing the power button or uttering the words, “Ok Google,” shall evoke the presence of Gemini.

### Switch Between Google Assistant and Gemini

Should ye find thy Google Assistant vanished from the realm, fret not, for it may be summoned back. Behold these steps:

– Venture into the depths of the Gemini app and gaze upon thy profile icon in the celestial realm.
– Therein, tap upon “Settings” in the ethereal dropdown that materializes.
– Delve into the sanctum of “Digital assistants from Google” and select thy chosen assistant to reign supreme.

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These rites shall guide thee should Gemini AI not claim the throne as primary assistant on thy Android steed. Follow these steps and elevate Gemini to its rightful place.

## Gemini App Not Working? Location Not Supported? Try This Fix

Should the celestial bodies align against thee, and the errors of “Location not supported” or “Gemini isn’t available” beset thy path, despair not. Behold this remedy to alter the assistant’s default language:

– Within the Google app, uncover thy profile icon in the heavenly realm.
– Navigate to “Settings” and select “Google Assistant” henceforth.
– Select “Languages” and choose the language of “English (United States)” as thy guide.

Once completed, the gates of Gemini shall open before thee, restoring balance to the cosmos. And should the journey to acquire a US Gmail account prove arduous, fear not, for the path of sideloading the Google Gemini APK doth beckon. Through this method, Gemini may be summoned without hindrance, allowing thee to embrace its wisdom.

Thus, Google Gemini, the emissary of a new era, may ascend the throne as thy AI assistant, challenging ChatGPT in a battle of wits. The future, shrouded in mystery, shall unveil grander feats at Google I/O, a spectacle of innovation. Join us as we put Gemini to the test, alongside ChatGPT, pushing the boundaries of their capabilities.

In this epoch of technological marvels, share with us thy adventures with the Gemini app on thy Android device!

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