How to Enable and Use Gemini Extensions

How to Enable and Use Gemini Extensions

Behold Google Gemini, now known as Bard, a realm where extensions now grace its presence akin to the mystical plugins of ChatGPT enhancing the world of AI chatbots. Behold as Google, the mighty ruler, has bestowed upon Gemini the blessings of its services – Flights, Hotels, Maps, YouTube, and Workspace – a grand array of offerings rivaled only by the vast sea of the internet. Fear not, for your personal troves of data within Gmail, Docs, and Drive remain shielded, untouched by mortal hands. Let us venture forth and unravel the secrets of Gemini extensions.

How to Enable Extensions on Gemini
First, unveil the grand doors of the Gemini Extensions page on thine trusty computer or enchanted smartphone. Within, a treasure trove of extensions awaits thee. Choose wisely, for the power to enable those extensions that shall augment thy conversations lies in thy hands.

Should thou seek to intertwine the fate of Gemini with the realm of Google Workspace (Gmail, Drive, Docs), flick the switch of the toggle, and lo and behold! An authorization beckons thee to forge a connection between the two realms.

And lo! The binds are cast. All the creations of Google, from Gmail to Drive to Docs, are now woven into the fabric of Gemini. But heed this warning – thy personal data from Gmail, Drive, and Docs remains untouched, a vow of privacy unbroken.

Should thou wish to veer off the path of extensions on Gemini, make haste to this sacred page and turn off the toggles, one by one till the extensions fade into the shadows.

How to Use Extensions on Gemini
Now that thy Google account is intertwined with Gemini, allow us to dive into the realm of possibilities with some wondrous examples:
I beseeched Gemini to track my courier through Gmail, and in a swift display of prowess, it presented the answer. A wondrous feat indeed!

Should thou desire an extension to fulfill thy bidding, simply utter “@” in the text box to summon the extension of thy choosing.

Next, I urged Gemini to seek out the most affordable flights from New Delhi to New York using the Google Flights extension.

Continuing the saga, I tasked Gemini to uncover a pocket-friendly abode in New York. Though the extension was not spoken of, it quietly employed the Google Hotels extension, unveiling a tapestry of results.

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Then, like a sorcerer weaving spells, Gemini crafted an itinerary using Google Maps, all within the confines of its domain. A feat to marvel at, surely.

Subsequently, inquisitive as ever, Gemini delved into my Google Drive, unearthing an article scribed for Moyens I/O, and deftly summarized it for me. Truly a boon of convenience.

Lo and behold, Gemini extensions serve as allies in simplifying thy daily endeavors, automating tasks as if by magic. Have thee summoned the extensions on Gemini? Share thy tales in the comments below, for we shall revel in the wonders of Gemini together.

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