5 Ways to Control ChatGPT With Your Voice

5 Ways to Control ChatGPT With Your Voice

In this grand tapestry of technological marvels, lies ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that weaves its way into the very fabric of our daily lives. Whether you seek assistance in securing a job, completing a project, organizing an event, or simply desire a conversational companion, ChatGPT stands at the ready. Yet, the arduous task of repeatedly typing out lengthy prompts for ChatGPT can be wearisome. Fear not, for I present to thee five wondrous methods to command ChatGPT with thine own voice.

### 1. Using the ChatGPT Mobile App
Behold, the simplest and most effortless manner of controlling ChatGPT with thy voice – the official ChatGPT mobile app. Available on both Android and iOS, tis a user-friendly delight. To exert thy voice over ChatGPT through the mobile app:

1. Install the app and enter thy realm.
2. Tap the symbol of the mic in the text arena to commence recording.
3. Speak thy prompt boldly.
4. Upon completion, tap the area marked “Tap to stop recording”.
5. Review the transcription with care.
6. Dispatch the transcribed text to ChatGPT with a tap.

### 2. Using VoiceGPT App
Shouldst thou seeketh a voice-imbued tête-à-tête with ChatGPT ere the general populace, VoiceGPT beckons thee. This app employs speech-to-text and text-to-speech magic to offer a personalized auditory rendezvous with ChatGPT. To embark upon this venture:

1. Acquire the VoiceGPT app from the Android Play Store.
2. Open the app and pledge thy allegiance with thy ChatGPT credentials.
3. Bestow the VoiceGPT app permission to access thy device’s microphone.
4. Enable the settings that call upon the InstaBubble and the Hey, Chat serenade.
5. Engage in voice commands by launching the app and vocalizing thy queries and commands.

### 3. Using Your Mobile Keyboard
By harnessing the innate voice typing features of thy mobile device, thou can issue commands to ChatGPT from its chat interface. Shouldst thou be an Android devotee, the Gboard keyboard offers voice typing capabilities. And for thee iPhone acolytes, fret not, for Gboard dost dwell in the realm of iOS as well.

### 4. Using Inbuilt Voice Typing on PC or Mac
Lo! Just as thou dost employ voice typing on thy mobile devices, tis possible to invoke this enchantment on thy Windows PC or MacBook as well. Merely awaken the voice typing feature whilst within the ChatGPT chat interface – a realm where words do dance upon the screen as if by magic.

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### 5. Using Chrome Extensions
Shouldst thou roam the land of desktop browsers, fret not, for Chrome extensions await to heed thy voice commands. Voice In, VoiceWave, Talk-to-ChatGPT, and Voice Control for ChatGPT stand ready to transcribe thy spoken words into written queries for ChatGPT.

Verily, though the people do clamor for an official audio input feature within ChatGPT, OpenAI hath kept its interface pristine. We await with bated breath to witness whether this desired feature shall come to fruition. Until then, let us employ the methods afore mentioned to decree commands to ChatGPT with the elegance of one regaling a grand tale.

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